[Passive - Adeptus] : Hailed as the "Vigilant Yaksha" and appreciated by the humans and adepti of Liyue, Xiao investigates [Innocent] on alignment checks.
[Passive - Conqueror of Demons] : Known for his endless slaughter against the monsters for millennia and numerous other exploits, Xiao is [Bulletproof]
[Conditional Passive - immortality] - After Day 5, you become [Super Bulletproof] and starting Day 6, you can only be lynched by a majority vote. You will also regain the "
Bane of Evil" mask, if you had lost it, and
[Gravity Defier] will no longer have a limit.
(Note: You will not regain
[Heaven's Fall] if it had been used up. It will stay a [1-shot] if you still haven't used it)
[Active - Whirlwind Thrust] : A plunging attack capable of dealing damage to multiple demons, Xiao can role crush a player of his choice.
[Active - Lemniscatic Wind] : Using his Anemo powers, Xiao is capable of killing a target of his choice every night.
[Conditional Active - Bane of Evil] : After Day 3, Xiao can wear his battle mask which has withstood the test of time through his numerous battles, and will unlock the following powers:
[Conqueror of Evil] : He can use this along with [Whirlwind Thrust] or [Lemniscatic Wind] to upgrade the attack to be a strongman version of it. Bypassing role blocks, redirects and any manipulative abilities.
[Gravity Defier] : Xiao can make himself immune to all regular abilities at night and his role crush will be upgraded to a permanent role crush and his kill will be made into a super kill. [2-shot]
[Heaven Fall] : Xiao can shake the very clouds with his power, once this is activated, he can super kill 3 players of his choice. [1-shot] (Note: Once you use this, you will lose the "
Bane of Evil" ability)
Eliminate all the Players