Maybe the hint is about the progress Yamato has made from being unable to do anything to Kaido to maybe injuring him:zorothink:
She better be able to do that at the very least for all the overhype


Never Feed The Badders Pasta
You know, i'm from the North East region in Brazil and we suffer from discrimination by most of the other regions in the country.

So i find it funny when people from the whole country get mad at people at an international level discriminating them, it's so fucking hypocritical.

So i don't give a shit about what Oda did there :doffytroll:

After all, it's not even compared to saying Usopp is from the country of Africa :usoprice:
You are Brazillian. Same country as these five goats; Monkey D Luffy, Pele, Bob Burnquist, Rayssa Leal and Adriana Lima:steef:
I love Brazil:sweat::sweat:
After a Vivre card confirms that Yamato is a woman... Twitter: Vivre cards are not canon.

My guess is that the vivre cards will follow the manga and list her as a female(self proclaimed Oden), so nothing will change:few: Honestly I'm much more interested in possible hints regarding her mother than in convincing that cesspool of a site that the girl that is designed as a girl and listed as a girl is a girl:kayneshrug: