Where did Tpein claim that he shot Ali? I thought that was what UB hinted at doing.
Ekko just doesn't sit well with me. He's claimed now which is something to consider. I will not ever read him Town this game. I think that between Ali, Tpein, and Rej, there's for sure a Wolf or two in that group. We'll see after those flips of it makes sense for Ekko to be part of whatever team flips.
i cant be in the scum team if there abilities were used on me, and their stuff is used when im jailed, unless ur claiming im jail immune which isn't the case clearly given night ability failed on me
i used my cryo skill to block 1 ability on me, it cant block both the jail AND night's ability so its pretty obvious i was jailed.
im cleared from being janitr and rolecrusher, and i was forced to target either of u
my pushes on the thread makes sense as well. the cases on misty/fuji/uwu etc..
might not have the best read but atleast im consistent throughout
ur best bet for pushing me is as indie, because it will be impossible to attach me to any scum team rn