Chopper's opponents are always better than Shitji's.
Whoever Chopper's opponent in this arc be,will be better than Lueen.
Shitji is a joke character,so his opponents are always joke characters too. You know it,right?
Pretty sure zoro and luffy also had joke characters as opponents, you know buggy, Kaku, hachin, buggy's subordinate
When you say "colonists" what do you exactly mean?

1. Do you mean the people whom the English crown promised a land and those people build a house unbeknownst to them that that land belonged to the natives and the natives attack them and killed their families?

2. Or do you mean the "conquistadors" who where killing the natives for sake of gold?

3. Or maybe you mean after the independence when there was a "full on trade" between the natives and the new Americans who were willingly selling them guns and horses for the fur and help from the natives?

4. Or maybe do you mean the war of independence when the natives participated on both sides?
I still don't understand your use if the term "theological".
I can't really see where wou are coming from tbh


Tobidara Believer
There's definitely some more to come imo. We need to know who her mother is, what happened to her. Why is her hair colour so peculiar too? She was born prior to Kaido coming to Wano I believe too? I'm not sure how that aligns to when the God Valley incident happened too?

But yeah for the time being, we definitely must have more to see with her and Ushimaru at least. We don't know what happened to those 2 other samurai and who they are as well?

I'm sure we're getting another Oden type flashback (funnily enough) but probably not as lengthy? 2-3 chapters maybe? Maybe 4 max? God knows people are complaining enough about this single chapter of flashback and are whinging/dreading the premise of more of it, so we can't have it go for too long either ofc! But at this point, I'm almost literally dying for more character reveals, past info/history, lore, lineage info and such! So bring it on!


But then again we had at least 80 chapters of Wano with barely any fights, especially full/to the end fights right? And the Oden flashback was really long too? Although it gave us scenes of Roger finally, prime and thus more Whitebeard and massive lore drops/reveals too/?

So I can understand why people are fed up/frustrated too and want to focus on the fights, I was on that boat too but I want more lore reveals, more world building, character development and reveals and so on more than anything now.

I also just want to see Kaido and Big Mom finally get defeated and fall too, they've over extended their stay especially Big Mom by far!
I'm so sick of Luffy getting beaten by Kaido now too!

I hope if we are getting more flashback, then we can get a nice compromise with the fight seekers, with the prospect of getting to see Ushimaru fight? We never got more than a panel of Kaido vs Moria so I'm not too hopeful but since Ushimaru is such an important character, potentially related to Zoro and a samurai, Oda will definitely want to wank him like he did to Oden?
We need to see: Kaido's flashback at Rocks, more about Yamato and now we have Ushimaru:chopoff:
There's too much here, and we also have the current fights:shocking:

I won't lie, what I most want to see is Luffy's reunion with Shanks. Imagine the crew arriving Elbaf with a top tier status:steef:

Gorosei Informer

Opinion people are not ready for: "Apart from Oyaji... dads in one piece are trash no matter how cool their character looks.... time again and again... fathers/grand fathers failed at their responsibilities"
It's factual. They are better fathers to children who are not their own than their own ones lol. Biological fathers treat their children terribly in OP! Mothers are definitely more favourable in general except for Big Mom and thus even her own mother and Carmel ofc? Oh Baby 5's mother too ofc! Trying to remember who else...

Whitebeard might look a lot worse depending on Weevil being his real son or not and what happened to Weevil then too. I theorise he was dead and has been brought back , as his scars remind me of Hogback's zombie work, we saw the Mountain Boar God get sliced in half and then stitched back together which Oda commented on the SBS or whatever recently, by saying if you cut something so cleanly, so precisely enough, you can just "stitch/attach it back together"? I think that's what happened with Law losing his arm and getting back too? I can't remember if Leo helped Law get his arm back with his sew/stitch fruit or not?

Weevil's character has insane potential depending on how Oda handles him, what he has planned for him. I just dread he might end up making Whitebeard look a lot worse but hopefully just more tragic and understandable maybe? Maybe Weevil was his real son that he lost in the past? So Thatch's and Ace's deaths would have been even more traumatic for him to experience, especially as Ace was the son of his beloved rival and it happened right in front of him too, despite all his best efforts to try to save him?

There's truly something ironic and yet heartwarming, inspiring and such about all these legendary men being such great fathers to children who aren't their own too!:

It's factual. They are better fathers to children who are not their own than their own ones lol. Biological fathers treat their children terribly in OP! Mothers are definitely more favourable in general except for Big Mom and thus even her own mother and Carmel ofc? Oh Baby 5's mother too ofc! Trying to remember who else...

Whitebeard might look a lot worse depending on Weevil being his real son or not and what happened to Weevil then too. I theorise he was dead and has been brought back , as his scars remind me of Hogback's zombie work, we saw the Mountain Boar God get sliced in half and then stitched back together which Oda commented on the SBS or whatever recently, by saying if you cut something so cleanly, so precisely enough, you can just "stitch/attach it back together"? I think that's what happened with Law losing his arm and getting back too? I can't remember if Leo helped Law get his arm back with his sew/stitch fruit or not?

Weevil's character has insane potential depending on how Oda handles him, what he has planned for him. I just dread he might end up making Whitebeard look a lot worse but hopefully just more tragic and understandable maybe? Maybe Weevil was his real son that he lost in the past? So Thatch's and Ace's deaths would have been even more traumatic for him to experience, especially as Ace was the son of his beloved rival and it happened right in front of him too, despite all his best efforts to try to save him?

There's truly something ironic and yet heartwarming, inspiring and such about all these legendary men being such great fathers to children who aren't their own too!:

You forgot Sengoku and Roger.