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Roger becomes PK in his 50’s
Luffy is fucking 19 with 2 years of basic Haki training and 1 week of ryou training and is now competing with a Yonko.
I mean Luffy in his 40’s has a great design, give this story some sense Oda
Zolo in his 21 made the same as Oden with 35 years.

Wheun your at when Zolo in his 21 made a major powerup endurance to endure Hakai by two 59 and 68 years guys?
I did present the explanation earlier but you started spouting this absolute nonsense next.:seriously::seriously:
What explanation? You didn’t explain anything

I have very clear proof that Kaido doesn’t use Haki to defend himself. It’s because other people’s haki can hurt him. Kiku can’t hurt Kaido if Kaido uses haki to defend. That’s obvious. Because you can only hurt a haki user if you have better haki than them… And Kiku doesn’t have better haki than kaido


now quiet down with your head canon nonsense
Jack has always been a joke, he needed poison to beat the dukes, he's taken an L on everything else.

Obviously sulong Inu beats him

Perospero was cool but sulong Neko would obviously smoke him when he won against sulong Carrot and Wanda because the clouds came in the way.
Yoooooo I really want to see One Piece manga sales in the next volume. This chapter alone will plummet the sales of One Piece. LMFAO!! By far the worst chapter of Wano. Nah fuck that it is the worst chapter of the entire oNe piece manga. LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nah, i wasn't triggered. I just made a connection to your sex life and you condom wank. Seems like youre a lil triggered pal. Ehhh, you get out of my mentions ya whale cum guzzler :beckmoji:
Okay. Lmao. You are the only one who is salty here because your fav didn't get the shine you wanted. So you started quoting random strangers to let out your frustration. Now go back to your basement bitch and stop bothering me.
Tell me, how do you personally feel about these writing decisions? I’d assume you’re disappointed, but do you agree with what I say below?

I was annoyed when it was revealed that the F5 are done, but I could accept it. If Jack at least got a decent fight with Inu, I could accept it better, even though I would have greatly preferred that Jinbe, Usopp, or another SH takes out Jack. However, what Jack got was an absolute joke of a fight. He fought the Dukes entirely offscreen in his useless Beast form on the roof, then he got one page worth of action in chapter 1024, in which his controversial hybrid form got casually revealed in a completely unremarkable manner, followed by him getting tossed away like a chump. Then he gets probably less than half a chapter worth of action in this chapter, in which he goes down in a completely nonsensical manner (why is Inu not suffering from the consequences of exiting Sulong?). Not to mention that the powerscaling of a Sulong Duke beating Jack this quickly is pretty wonky. Not even a YC1 should be able to beat a YC3 this quickly. Are the Sulong Dukes low top tiers? Did Kaido, in his base, beat two guys stronger than YC1s and seven other Vet/YC level guys with low difficulty? Just really lazy writing on Oda’s part. I really hope that the spoiler providers are just incorrectly assuming that Jack is done, or that Oda is just fooling us and will reveal that Jack has Awakening as his trump card. However, I have no expectations for Oda to do so at this point, given how disappointing everything has been at this point. A SH beating Jack would have been so much more cathartic. The SHs are actually (at least somewhat) interesting characters, while Inu is just an extremely boring and uninteresting tertiary character. I have no reason to care about his victory.

Neko beating Pero may be even more nonsensical. Sure it’s fine from a powerscaling perspective, but it’s rubbish from a narrative perspective. Neko has an incredibly weak connection to Perospero, while at least Inu (and Neko) technically had the strongest connection to Jack out of everyone on the alliance’s side. Carrot had such a better connection to Perospero, and her beating him would have been so much more cathartic, even if you’re not really interested in Carrot’s character (I don’t love her and I’m not rooting for her to join the crew, but she really deserved this W). Neko beating Perospero is literally worse than Arya Stark beating the Night King. In both cases, these characters were obviously not the ones who should have beaten the villain, but at least Arya winning was unexpected due to her being the underdog. Sulong Neko beating Perospero is not only narratively weak, but also way too straightforward.
You sir you fucking nailed everything!
I told u zoro wankers will be salty

Luffy earned his PUS, he didn't get offered free PUS nor did be get stupid high boost like Zoro and Sanji

At least we saw Luffy struggle and grow to be top tier while Zoro was given just a magical sword and boom... can clock hakai now, look good vs Yonko and beat A top YC around Doffy/Cracker easier than luffy did
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