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Base Sanji would literally still get trashed by Doffy, he didn't even tickle Queen's balls, he confirmed it himself even.
''Trashed'' - you guys really don't care about the 'How it happend' but only about 'What happend', huh?

Oh so that is why Queen spits blood and screams in pain everytime Sanji kicks him and uses CoA to protect himself from Sanji's attack - it's all because Sanji's attacks don't even tickle him. Aight, gotcha.
Point was made clear. In a single instance of carelessness a YC was disposed off by an Admiral, something like that would never happen to a Yonkou. Marco is an exception due to his ability, Big mom chose to flee the 1v1 because she can't take him down fast enough without wasting a significant amount of Soul weapons.
Marco was cuffed in Sea Stone and continued fightning, so your point is totally invalid for him.
Base Sanji would literally still get trashed by Doffy, he didn't even tickle Queen's balls, he confirmed it himself even.
Nah, not that far.

Queen First time using Haki is against Sanji, but why did he used if he isn't even getting hurt? He is coping quite a bit.

Doflamingo took advantage that Sanji didn't know his powers, he needed Parasite to stop him, after Sanji ate "Goshikito" like it wasn't shit. Doflamingo called Sanji strong twice, and he reacted accordingly, "Goshikito" (ignored by Sanji), "Parasite" (used quickly to stop unaware Sanji from keep attacking), "Overhiito", one of his strongest attacks easily. Mind you that Gear 4 Luffy and Sanji were the only ones who fought Doflamingo middle air
But King is still fighting Zoro off screen in his base form. Why isn't he at least in his zoan form then? Queen didn't wait long until he went to his hybrid against Sanji. Why isn't the same thing happening with king then?
Because Sanji was landing sneak hits on a distracted Queen. In his Hybrid, itd be more easier to deal with Sanji and do other things like help fight Marco. As for King and Zoro, theyre probably just doing CQC….until Zoro lands a hit to turn him into Hybrid.

Real answer…..Zoro vs King needs more focus till King goes Hybrid.
i know, but i can't help thinking it's a waste of time.
no one fights seriously until they suffer massive damage.
that's the problem with one piece fights.
Isn’t that what happens in almost every shonen though? I can’t remember the last time a fight started with both opponents going all out but my memory might be a lil hazy
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