After wano
Luffy 2b
Zoro 1.52b
Jinbe 1.2b
Robin 800 mil
Sanji 777 mil
Franky 444 mil
Brook 330 mil
Ussop 300 mil
Nami 260 mil
Chooper 1 mil lol
Mihawk 4.4b
Shriyo 2b
- If Chopper doesn't get a real Bounty after this Arc then never.
- Nami too high.
- Ussope agree with that - except Oda does a joke again and gives him more. But Keep in mind that all high ranked, influential and known People are around 300mil. and above. So having 300mil. is already a big thing and you can count yourself to the big dogs.
- Franky too high, because of the above said. Don't see him getting almost half a Billion Bounty.
- Brook will stay under Ussope, so around 200mil.+-
- If Jimbei joins the Wano Arc, then it's unlikely he will get such a boost. Depends on who he would fight - the only (most likely) commander left would be Smoothy, but there are tons of People on our side including other SN, so this is stil open. But even if he fights her he would get at max 1bil.
Now here some Questions.
- Luffy gets only 500mil. after he (not alone, but he will get the most credits anyways) defeated Kaidou? BM will most likely fall this Arc too and Luffy will be Portrait as the ''master mind'' behind all this again. Doesn't make any sense.
- And now Zoro gets 1,52bil.??? So his Bounty increases by 1,2bil. - more than what Luffy got after WCI??? Now explain this logic too me. Zoro's Bounty is 21[…]% of Luffy's Right now, but after Wano Zoro will have 76% of Luffy's NEW Bounty??? How did he catch up so fast and why did he catch up to him at all?
- How does Zoro goes from having a lower Bounty than Sanji to actually having more than double his Bounty? Both are in this Arc and both will have their big fights - their Bounty will stay close too each other.
- Why should Robin get such a high Bounty all of a sudden? The WG Always knew she could read the PG's and didn't put a huge Bounty on her. Even after she escaped EL she got only 1 mil. increase.
- So Mihawk who have no Crew and no controll in the NW what so ever - has a bigger Bounty than Shanks?

- Why is Shiryu so high? BB just have slightly above 2bil. Even when BB's Bounty is going up after what he is planing to do, it will most likely not reach the other Yonkou's Bounty's yet, so is there no reason to put Shiryu so high.