A pretty nice and quick chapter. Couturier Nami looking classy and I love the callback to Bell-mere's sunflower lion. Because Oda likes to start new cover serials at the beginning of volumes, we're probably looking at another 9/10 chapters of requests.
The nom of Kaido's nightmares. Commendable leadership from Luffy to take responsibility for the sacrifice Momo had to make to fly him up there, helping the manboy finally push through his endless trauma over the terrifying invincible Kaido. Momo biting Kaido and making him
Yeouch! not only exposes his vulnerability, but it helps Momo realize he's now an all-powerful dragon who can stop Onigashima just as Kaido raised it. The Mythical Uo Uo having sharp dragon dodging reflexes and a Yonko-level bite force is insanity. Vegapunk reproducing overpowered DFs could easily make up the SSG's new elite fighting force.
In the end, Jack's only drought...was his win record.

Perospero goes from sweating Sulong Carrot and Wanda, getting tossed by Sanji and base Neko to nearly beheading a furball with a sweet candy axe if he just stopped monolouging. Oda injects a bit of tension into some side character fights he's been neglecting, ending up with a parallel where everything looks hopeless if the moon didn't shine for Neko and Inu like it failed Carrot and Wanda. Although I feel bad for hybrid Jack's limited showcase and his guts getting skewered (poor guy never even met a Strawhat so you could say he always condemned to minor character status), Perorin took plenty of Ws like Pedro/Chopper/Brook/Carrot/Wanda and the cat smack is far more than he deserved.
Pedro smiling in his empty Wano grave that his vendetta against Jack and Perospero has been fulfilled.
Joyboy bringing Kaido no more smiles. Surreal that Oda shrinks Hybrid Kaido to Katakuri size to put him on an equal plane with BASE Luffy. The sky splitter mirrors those of chapter 434 and 951 with a little panel for the exchange and then the big double spread for the sky itself, though obviously Luffy and Kaido ain't touching. It's not like Luffy got a new power up eating swamp meat to be able to do this, so I can only feel Oda framed it this way to hide what Luffy and Kaido's final forms will look like. Cannot wait for that. That chapter title, Onigashima arriving in the capital and Momo leaving the roof already are all giving me endgame vibes.