this is what they want sanji to become
Again no, sanji gaining his emotions back after losing them would be great

Him turning into an opposite version of himself then going back to his old personality would be a great character arc
Not that I except you to understand since you basically just wants fight

Just shut up about if you don't care lol


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Prediction : Hotei teams up with fukurojuku and starts defeating Raizo
running Sanji meets them and tag teams with Raizo .
Fuku's ultimate earlobes clashes Sanji's exoskeleton and leads to birth of evil Sanji
nah fukurokuju would make sanji run away too, don't underestimate ninjas:milaugh:
*Sanji losing emotions*: Emotional moment with the crew even tho they are all separated. 300IQ.
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I mean, it's pretty accurate lol.
Bro you do get what I'm trying to say right?

Did I precise where the emotional moment would take place?

It's gonna be likely after the war, sanji is gonna be disgusted by himself and the crew will give him a pep talk, as simple as that


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Typicals Zorofanbois headcanon.
If anybody would want that they would be Zoro fans and not Sanji fans.
No Sanji fan want Sanji to turn into a badly and boring writen character.
sanji already is all of that,besides that's what the vast majority of sanji fans want,powerups that get him closer to zoro it doesn't matter if it ruins his character development as long as he gets a PU.
Anyone can see this is true by going into the sanji FC.
sanji already is all of that,besides that's what the vast majority of sanji fans want,powerups that get him closer to zoro it doesn't matter if it ruins his character development as long as he gets a PU.
Anyone can see this is true by going into the sanji FC.
Bro what? His power up doesn't ruin his character, it's giving him more character development, many don't get that

And what's wrong with wanting power ups? Of course a fan would like to see sanji get badass power ups as well as seing sanji getting emotional moment

Being closer to zoro's strength doesn't mean being zoro
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Typicals Zorofanbois headcanon.
If anybody would want that they would be Zoro fans and not Sanji fans.
No Sanji fan want Sanji to turn into a badly and boring writen character.
Zoro is great too, don't be as dumb as the guy you're trying to prove wrong lol
sanji already is all of that,besides that's what the vast majority of sanji fans want,powerups that get him closer to zoro it doesn't matter if it ruins his character development as long as he gets a PU.
Anyone can see this is true by going into the sanji FC.
So in your understanding, Sanji fans ''want him to turn into Zoro'' is him getting ''closer'' in strenght??? What kinda backward logic is that? So if a character is as strong as Zoro, in your understanding their fans want this character to be like Zoro? lmao
That just proves that you Zorofans only care about powerscaling to the point where you reduce a whole character to just that lmao

Also funny how Sanji needs PU's to ''only get closer'' to Zoro haha - you guys stil living in another world or something?
Oda gives character portrayal and even numbers in the same level - yet Zoro fans stil say ''zOrO iS 5 lEvEl AbOvE sAnjI''
sanji fans don't want sanji to be zoro....
that's why their fandom has monsterzoro, zolo, and of course the leader of sanji fanclub: Zoro D Goat
Didn't you just like a comment about how trashing a character because you're insecure about another is wrong? Lol both zoro and sanji are great for different reasons

Zoro is great because he's a badass fighter

Sanji is great because he's a badass fighter and although he fights less than zoro he makes up for it with smart and tactical moments as well as a lot of emotional moments
So in your understanding, Sanji fans ''want him to turn into Zoro'' is him getting ''closer'' in strenght??? What kinda backward logic is that? So if a character is as strong as Zoro, in your understanding their fans want this character to be like Zoro? lmao
That just proves that you Zorofans only care about powerscaling to the point where you reduce a whole character to just that lmao

Also funny how Sanji needs PU's to ''only get closer'' to Zoro haha - you guys stil living in another world or something?
Oda gives character portrayal and even numbers in the same level - yet Zoro fans stil say ''zOrO iS 5 lEvEl AbOvE sAnjI''
Please stop generalizing. Not all Zoro fans are powerlevel tards