See buddy? You finally realized that this isn't Naruto, and since I don't want Sanji to be saved by an ass pull again, he shouldn't lose his emotions at all.
He should lose them, it would open the way to new developments, and from the way things are going he is more likely to lose them

The way he gets them back tho is what's tricky, it shouldn't be a speech about how he's kind

It should be either something related to one of these two options

1st,vegapunk, it would be a great way of introducing him

2nd his burning passion/will, maybe a Tokyo ghoul like moment

Anything other than that is an asspull
He should lose them, it would open the way to new developments, and from the way things are going he is more likely to lose them

The way he gets them back tho is what's tricky, it shouldn't be a speech about how he's kind

It should be either something related to one of these two options

1st,vegapunk, it would be a great way of introducing him

2nd his burning passion/will, maybe a Tokyo ghoul like moment

Anything other than that is an asspull
Oh no, Sanji with white hair...
BB is Luffys arch nemesis or greatest foe. Enough with the “Bb is Luffys rival” whenever someone says Kidd is. You’re wrong. BB is the Rocks to Luffy’s Roger. Rocks was not Rogers rival but he was his greatest enemy. Kidd is obviously supposed to play the rival/frenemy role that WB/Shiki plays just get over it already lol