General & Others Am I the only one who doesn’t care about Elbaf?


Yeah it’s been foreshadowed since Little Garden and will probably do wonders for the SHs character-wise (especially Ussop). Yeah Big Mom hyped up Elbaf when she said that their forces would letter beat the other Yonko and the WG.

That’s all fine, but at this point I really want to get into the overarching story. Like what’s up with Imu and the Gorosei? What are Blackbeard and Aokiji up to? Can we get some void century lore? Where (and what) is Raftel and what is the One Piece? What about the ancient weapons?!

I just feel like Elbaf will more than likely be a Zou or Dressrosa type stop gap arc that isn’t directly related to the overarching story, which honestly would just feel like stalling to me. Wano has already dragged way too long and hasn’t been even remotely good enough to justify its length. Another arc of stalling would be too much imo.

Garp the Fist

We know next to nothing about what the arc will entail other than “big for Usopp.” Seems shortsighted to not care about it.

I’d also point out that if there’s one place that should have juicy Void Century knowledge, it’ll be the place where people live up to 300 hundred years. What is generations and generations away for humans is only a couple of generations back for giants.


Zoro Worshipper

Yeah it’s been foreshadowed since Little Garden and will probably do wonders for the SHs character-wise (especially Ussop). Yeah Big Mom hyped up Elbaf when she said that their forces would letter beat the other Yonko and the WG.

That’s all fine, but at this point I really want to get into the overarching story. Like what’s up with Imu and the Gorosei? What are Blackbeard and Aokiji up to? Can we get some void century lore? Where (and what) is Raftel and what is the One Piece? What about the ancient weapons?!

I just feel like Elbaf will more than likely be a Zou or Dressrosa type stop gap arc that isn’t directly related to the overarching story, which honestly would just feel like stalling to me. Wano has already dragged way too long and hasn’t been even remotely good enough to justify its length. Another arc of stalling would be too much imo.
I would to see Aokiji showing Blackbeard that he is a low IQ Monkey and that he is not his lap dog but was using Teach in order to spot all his movements and strategies and report them to someone of the Marine or Government despite he seemingly no Marine anymore.
Elbaf will be pivotal for the main story,dont worry! Oda loves viking pirates and will make that arc fundamental. Usopp will realize his dream to become a brave warrior there. We will probably know the guy who had that giant Strawhat. We will meet again that giant guy who was at Sabaody etc.
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I just feel like Elbaf will more than likely be a Zou or Dressrosa type stop gap arc that isn’t directly related to the overarching story, which honestly would just feel like stalling to me.
I think that's exactly what the manga needs. An arc like Skypiea or Thriller Bark. Between 25 and 70 chapters. After that there will be no more time for such intermediate adventures, because then the final phase begins, that is, the fight against Blackbeard for the One Piece and the war against the world government. Before that we need an arc to get used to with Yamato as a new member. In addition, an arc with Norse mythology and Vikings (giants) would be a refreshing change. However, Oda no longer has time to draw arcs that are irrelevant to the main plot (Davy Back Fight Arc), so Elbaf will also be an important step towards getting closer to the One Piece.
I'm not into Nordic mythology at all, nor vikings, and I've always found giants to be boring; so you can count me among those who don't care about Elbaf at all. I love Usopp, though, so that's some light of hope for me. Odds are we're getting some juicy information and even Shanks involvement, too.
This series is already coming to an end.

There will be no more arcs except for the Raftel one and then the climax with the final war against the WG.

Anyone who thinks we are getting an extra arc is beyond delusional.


Zoro Worshipper
This series is already coming to an end.

There will be no more arcs except for the Raftel one and then the climax with the final war against the WG.

Anyone who thinks we are getting an extra arc is beyond delusional.
If Big Mom is out this chapter I feel like you are absolutely right.

Elbaf and Vegapunk stuff might still happen just like Lodestar but probably feature only a small amount of chapters. And I'm not so convinced about Vegapunk.


Talent is something you make bloom.
The reason I don't care too much about Elbaf, is because the Giants are extremely underwhelming.
Aside from Dorry and Broggy, I just can't bring myself to care about any of them.