1. Who said anything about “coc” I clearly said CoO. Oda himself stated Sanji was the CoO specialist and fastest strawhat after brook yet we still got people like you trying to argue against the author. Idk bro you just come off as a typical Sanji hater/Zoro wanker tbh lol

You don’t even seem like you’re trying to prove anything. Just basing your assumptions off of pure favoritism and bias for the Green one all bc you like him more

2. And this means what exactly? How does Koby correlate to Luffy and Zoro?
But in the facts Luffy is much better in the 3 way
Luffy CoC >x100 zoro
Luffy CoA >x10 zoro
Luffy CoO >x10 sanji
Super since sanji got tagged by slower people that carrot. Unless you believe that page one is actually faster than carrot. And he tagged sanji while sanji got a speedy buff lol
Which did 0% damage meanwhile Zoro got tagged by Kamazou, who wasn’t even using his main weapons+nerfed

and that 1 strike not only made Zoro bleed heavily but it also Ko’d him

Kamazou could NEVER tag Sanji or Luffy
Sorry but it is Luffy who gave heads up that something big is coming. Zoro didn't react first, he just thought of blocking an attack instead of dodging.
Which did 0% damage meanwhile Zoro got tagged by Kamazou, who wasn’t even using his main weapons+nerfed

and that 1 strike not only made Zoro bleed heavily but it also Ko’d him

Kamazou could NEVER tag Sanji or Luffy
Did kamazou weapons affect his speed? Nope. So your point is mute.

Also as shown in manga and anime it was the fact that he was in wano for a month eating poisoned food.

Killer wasn't nerfed outside of using his weapon unless you think killer is lying as he mentioned his only nerd was not having his weapon when fighting zoro