What move did Sanji use to beat the prostitute up?

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Exactly. He's hella durable and his recovery is insane.
Marco is someone who can regenerate but he just cannot possibly hurt King significantly with what he's shown. Like Base King took multiple attacks from Marco one after the other and all he got out of it was a few drops of blood.

The argument that Marco was exhausted doesn't exactly hold for his AP. If he is just not able to hurt King, it just means either King is that sort of a beast durability/endurance wise. It's not like Marco's a slouch when it comes to AP as well - he was kicking Admirals around in M'ford and almost clashed evenly with Linlin earlier this arc.

King's physicals - his durability, recovery, strength, speed, AP - are off the charts are really good for someone who's not a top tier tbh.
For the admirals, he kicked a distracted Aokiji which wouldn't be hard to move in that situation (just like Luffy could send down a random drunk dragon Kaido flying around), with Kizaru, Marco's kick was completely stopped and they were even talking afterwards with Marco calling it ineffective so I don't know how Kizaru ended up on the ground lol. Some said because or him floating in the air like that but it seems strange. Or maybe he didn't put that extra bit of effort and Marco's kick was thus able to have some effect. Don't know.

It's true though that his clash with Big Mom had even clear visible effects like the water being thrown in the air, quite a big effect actually.

But yeah I agree, King really didn't seem too bothered by Marco's attack, he was alright. When you put everything together, I really find it hard to see Marco emerge victorious against him. This guy is a complete monstrosity.


Zoro Worshipper
I'm actually loving the development of Sanji vs Queen. Sanji refusing to continue using the suit in the fear of becoming like his brothers and showing his resolve to keep his emotions by telling Zoro to kill him if he loses them (Zoro's too much, saying he's looking forward to it, these are the interactions I read to One Piece for) is great. We actually have Sanji choosing to full-on get rid of that power-up after being confronted with the possibility of doing what's against his code (though he still keeps the power-up he has no choice in). This is what I want from Sanji and I'm glad Oda went this route of Sanji making the choice of either maintaining his values at the expense of strength or losing what's valuable to him while making his battle easier (Sanji's choice also means Sanji will win his arc fight without the suit). I'm looking forward to the chapter (though I doubt Sanji actually harmed the girl if it's being kept ambiguous and Sanji doesn't even remember. Oda usually keeps Sanji's mistakes from having these kinda consequences if I'm being honest though perhaps that would be more interesting).
Sanji is smart.

I also thought about the suit being harmful potentially considering he was feeling weird. That was presumably a matter of modifications I did bet.
In my opinion these guys are around the same lvl, even thought im be honest, I kinda expect more of Marco.
I view that with objective view, Katakuri had everything, adv CoO, awakening, great CoA, CoC and a very strong lethal weapon(Mogura).
His feats where impressive, he stomp Ichiji, he easily pass Capone,Jinbe and Pedro at the samtime.

King in compare as also has insane speed and strenght power, his flames going play a huge role too.
I hope for more haki play and also zoan awakening, in that case and what for feats he going to show.

Marco has a very good devilfruit and is very fast and strong.
But I dislike that we didn´t see any haki feats, in compare to Katakuri arsenal he kinda seems be to "normal"...

I feel like via feats either King or Kata gain the most best role.
Not saying Marco feats where bad, he is just the victim of this raid to give Zoro and Sanji strong commanders as opponents.


Zoro Worshipper
Yes, he cared so little about Sanji's fate that he spied on the convo between Luffy and Pekoms to the point of Luffy noticing he was worried about Sanji. But yes, Luffy is just wrong because Zoro is too cool and badass to be worried about this Lanjitard wealking.

You guys gotta keep in mind that the story is written by Oda, not by Zoro or Sanji fans hating the other character. So you're just projecting your own desires onto the manga to the point of twisting objective facts.


Zoro Worshipper
Wano is all about awakening in different forms.

Law and Kid AWAKENING devil fruits
Zoro awakening a black blade
Sanji awakening his modification
MOMO awakening his potential due to Shinobo
Etc etc.

What will be Luffys awakening?

I have the feeling one of the mayor themes in Wano is awakening. It's a milestone, is the transformation from WorstGen Pirates to a Yonkou Crew.

It's the downfall of the establishment and the TOWER, it's the beginning of the Storm.
I seriously hope Zoro shall unleash his black blade soon.
Kidd and Law Awakening was shat on all the week and now everybody realizes that as soon as they used it, with the first combo, they damaged Linlin like didn't happen in years and pushed her to sacrifice 1 year of his life. 2nd power up since Kidd met her.
Say what..?
It's good to see they have reached rooftop non-asura Zoro level.
Oh boy if the leaks are really true, I going to get a insane King Chapter soon.
Based on the leaks it isn't even clear if King and Queen losing the next 4 chapters.
King hype means also Zoro hype since black blade is a huge powerup.
I still don't buy those spoilers.

How does he even break a Meito? It's a not a random fodder sword or a can you can just crash with your feet.

Only way I can accept that is if Zoro fully destroys the rest of the mask sending King into a berserk state where he unleashes a CoC powered sword swing that catches Zoro unprepared and breaks through Sandai to split his chest in two.

Oda could use that moment to call back to Mihawk's fb and reveal the truth about BB and force Zoro to forge one on the spot to defeat King.

But that would make King OP even beyond my wildest expectations :crazwhat:
Punk Hazard, Whole Cake (Zoro wasn't there, but still), Water 7/Enies Lobby, Skiypiea, Dressrosa, Zou... there is a lot. Fact is: Sanji is portraited much more as a leader, a charismatic leader like Luffy, than Zoro ever has been.

Zoro being the Rhm means:

He walks with Luffy wherever he goes, he is Luffy's bodyguard and clears the way for him, and usually fights alongside with Luffy in a specific moment and assist him in the main battles against the strongest opponents. Thats the difference here, it's his role alongside with the Captain, not his leadership skills.

Although he always fights alongside with Sanji and both end up beating the 2nd and 3rd strongest enemies.


The Rogue Prince
For the admirals, he kicked a distracted Aokiji which wouldn't be hard to move in that situation (just like Luffy could send down a random drunk dragon Kaido flying around), with Kizaru, Marco's kick was completely stopped and they were even talking afterwards with Marco calling it ineffective so I don't know how Kizaru ended up on the ground lol. Some said because or him floating in the air like that but it seems strange. Or maybe he didn't put that extra bit of effort and Marco's kick was thus able to have some effect. Don't know.
Yeah, I was talking more about the raw physical strength needed for that feats. Ofcourse the Admirals mid-diff him on their worst days like any top tier should.

It's true though that his clash with Big Mom had even clear visible effects like the water being thrown in the air, quite a big effect actually.
It's actually very much comparable to how a Kong Gun clashed with Big Mom in WCI, except for the Armament Hardening and in this case the elemental coated attacks from each other. Marco's AP is probably just slightly less than a WCI/DR Kong Gun - looking at how he's clashing with not only Big Mom, but all the other admirals and isn't getting overwhelmed.

Which makes King's durability/recovery even more impressive lol.

But yeah I agree, King really didn't seem too bothered by Marco's attack, he was alright. When you put everything together, I really find it hard to see Marco emerge victorious against him. This guy is a complete monstrosity.
Agreed lol. It's gonna be a chore but I do see King beating Marco by the end of it.
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