Those are stuff that I really want to try. The camel stuff in Morocco. I just melt myself when I'm walking somewhere and see a random cat in the street and he "meowww" and headbutts my hand
Yeah I'm scared of heights too. Needes someone with me for that. Zero gravity never ever saw it anywhere but I would be willing to try it if I saw it. New experiences are always fun. Like one time I payed triple in a boat trip just to sleep in a cabin. One time experience and it was really nice.
I should exercise staying indoors. Out of all the time I'm awake, I guess I only stay 2h maximum indoors.
Swimming is pretty cool. Rock climbing and ice skating never tried but wanted to try it. Those water sports seems really cool to do too like windsurfing, jet skiing and water skiing.
I did some surfing before and it was pretty cool. I would come out of the sea super tired, tanned and blonde.
For beaches I guess I got tired of it. As I said I stayed most of this year in beaches, found some nice ones but enough is enough xD calm and clean ones are definitely good. Like in the greek island of Creta. In the North super crowded and dirty, in the south pretty chill and clean.
I never climbed stuff before xD it's great that you enjoy it. When I was younger I would mostly play snooker and got alright at it. Not anything in nature but now I'm compensating.
How did you climb buildings in Uni? Would pay to see it
Yeah hiking in a green mountain path with sea breeze is amazing. I really like for example being underneath trees in a hot summer in the shade laying down in the grass. Feels very raw and natural. If it's near the sea it's a plus. Mostly I like forest and green plains. I guess because all these months I was near mountains and the sea xD
Would you be able to live, let's say, in the middle of a forest in a wooden house?
Better yet, would you like to do one of those long trips in a caravan to a lot of countries? That would be amazing tbh. A lot of freedom. Or those motorcycle rides on the US west coast