Who should Dragoban ban next?

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It would bother me if Sasaki had an awakening and Jack or WW didn't.
Sasaki hybrid was normal, he just use a weird technique in hiis hybrid but his form was simple, it wasn´t awakening.
Jack had four legs and two hands, that was weird as hybrid since it was the fiirsttime that someone use such a form, same for Queen and now King.
Seems like all 3 calamity have awakening.
Kawamatsu says soul, not the will of the soul.
So I will interpret it that way.
Unless you want me to believe that every samurai is using the haki of the previous wielders of the swords they were given.
what part of what i said seems to allude to your clueless conclusion of my take?

i said NOT LITERALLY as in the actual soul dormant in it...

no matter how you wanna interpret it a sword having its owners soul or their will its logically interchangeable.. and it doesn't not mean HAKI or SOUL ITSELF.. its figurative language
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