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* 제목 "시모츠키 유자부로"

* 저번 화에 이어 조로 v.s 킹 킹이 대놓고 공격을 맞아주는데 오히려 폭발 발생

* 상디 v.s 퀸 사이드

퀸 : 그놈은 절멸했을 "루나리아 족"의 생존자.
자연계의 그 어떤 환경에서도 생존 가능한 괴물.
아주 옛날에는 "신", 그게 그놈들의 호칭이었다!!
상디 : 그런 놈들이 왜 절멸한 거지?
퀸 : 역사에 물어보시지!!!

* 다시 조로 v.s 킹 방금 전 폭발은 무장색으로 방어.
사ㆍ사자의 노래 to 킹
킹에게 데미지가 없고 조로에게 반격..

* 떨어지는 삼대귀철을 보고 조로 회상.
같은 도공이 화도일문자와 엔마를 만들었는데 그 이름이 시모츠키 유자부로
조로 : 이스트 블루 변경에 왜 와노쿠니의 칼이 있었던 거지?

* 회상 내용 길어서 축약.
마을에 어떤 영감이 있었고 이 영감이 칼에도 각각 성격이 있다는 걸 알려줌.
약자가 이 개성이 있는 칼을 굴복시켜야 하는데 겁을 내서 요도라고 부르게 됐다는 거.
그 영감이 죽은 뒤에 쿠이나의 할아버지인 걸 알았는데 이 영감이 시모츠키 유자부로.

* 조로 : 그럼 부족한 건 내 힘!!
혹시 오뎅은 패기를 이만큼 빼앗겨도 손쉽게 싸웠던 건가? 응? 엔마.
(덤벼드는 백수 해적단 부하들)
어떡하면 되지? 패기를 안정시키려면.. 아니.. 이거면 돼!!
(쓰러지는 부하들)
킹 : 과연... "왕"이라도 되려는 건가?
조로 : 그래... 선장과 친구와의 약속이 있거든!!!

* 다음 호 휴재 아님
Confirmed by me. Open the thread
* Title "Shimotsuki Yuzaburo"

* Following on from the last episode, Zoro vs King King attacked openly, but rather an explosion occurred

* Sanji vs Queen Side

Queen: He was a survivor of the "Lunaria tribe" that would have been annihilated.
A monster that can survive in any environment in the natural world.
A long time ago, "God", that was their title!!
Sanji: Why did they exterminate them?
Quinn: Ask the history!!!

* Again Zoro vs King. The previous explosion was defended with an armed color.
Song of the Four and the Lion to King
No damage to King and counterattack against Zoro..

* Recalling Zoro after seeing the falling of the Three Great Ghosts.
The same potter made the Japanese alphabet and Enma, and his name is Shimotsuki Yuzaburo
Zoro: Why is there a sword of Wano on the East Blue frontier?

* Condensed because it is long.
There was an inspiration in the village, and this inspiration tells us that each sword has its own personality.
The weak have to subdue this unique sword, but they got scared and called it Yodo.
After his death, I thought he was Kuina's grandfather, but this inspiration is Shimotsuki Yuzaburo.

* Zoro: Then what I lack is my strength!!
Could it be that Oden was able to fight easily even if he was deprived of his spirit? Yes? Emma.
(The White Beast Pirates attacking)
What should I do? If you want to stabilize your spirit... no... this is all you need!!
(Falling subordinates)
King: Are you really trying to become a “king”?
Zoro: Yeah... I have an appointment with the captain and friends!!!

* Next issue not on hiatus
* Title "Shimotsuki Yuzaburo"

* Following the last episode, Zoro vs King King attacked openly, but rather an explosion occurred.

* Sanji vs Queen Side

Quinn: That gnome is a survivor of the "Lunaria tribe" that would have been annihilated.
A monster that can survive in any environment in the natural world.
A long time ago, "God", that was their title!!
Sanji: Why did they exterminate them?
Quinn: Ask the history!!!

* Again Zoro v.s King The previous explosion was defended with an armed color.
Lion's Song to King
No damage to King and counterattack to Zoro.

* Looking back at the falling three great ghosts, Zoro recalls.
The same potter made the Japanese alphabet and enma, and their name was Shimotsuki Yuzabu.
Zoro: Why is the sword of Wano Kuni on the East Blue frontier?

* Condensed because it is long.
There was an inspiration in the village, and this inspiration tells us that each sword has a personality.
The weak have to subdue this unique sword, but they got scared and called it Yodo.
After his death, I thought he was Kuina's grandfather, but this inspiration is Shimotsuki Yuzaburo.

* Zoro: Then what I lack is my strength!!
Could it be that Oden was able to fight easily even if he was deprived of his spirit? Yes? Emma.
(The White Beast Pirates are attacking)
What should I do? If you want to stabilize your spirit... no... this is all you need!!
(Falling subordinates)
King: Are you really trying to become a "king"?
Zoro: Yeah... I have an appointment with the captain and friends!!!

* Next issue not on hiatus
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