Zoro vs King CoC Clash?!

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Nah bro give up. Odas literally destroying sanjis reputation ever since the ts. I've learned to just get over it at this point.

Queens gonna be a mid diff but thats cause queens gonna have nothing that really stands out.

Oda doesn't care about sanji anymore. He did wci to prove his point. Sanjis a cook who fights a little. That's why he didn't fight anyone for 400 chapters except fodder.

He lost every clash against anyone decent since the ts.

Jfc I'm mad thinking about it.
ain't easy coping I see, what you going to cry "insult" LOL :gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh:


Spoiler Provider
The only one that will surpass King will be Shiryu since he will face EOW Zoro.
But for now Ben has nothing over King, it's not like Ben will stand like nothing if Zoro stabs him right ?

Ben's entire hype comes only from VC and one page "balanced crew". King is literally said to be a monster and needs adv.coc to be defeated, that's another lvl bro.

See you soon in battledome :kata:
aCoC won’t be enough I fear.
King: "I see...
So do you intend to become a “king”?"

Zoro: "Huh?"

Then, Zoro remembers the words Luffy said to him when Zoro agreed to join Luffy's crew.

Luffy: "The world's greatest swordsman, that's great!!
And it's fitting since your new boss is going to be the King of the Pirates!
Anything else would make me look bad!!!"

its time to respect mihawk and his "Clown " title
Zoro really does care a lot about his swords. He willingly jumped to take free hits from King just to grab Sandai and Wado.
Yeah, but the spoiler didn't say if they fell offf for good though.

Plus it is stupid. It would out of character for Zoro to lose Wado like that even though he can recover it later by searching the mainland.

I still hope they didn't fall for real or that Momo got them somehow.
@MonsterZoro tried to fuck with my head with that fake spoilers, but I knew that the Grandmaster would understand me. :ronalugh:

A true swordsman doesn't just drop two swords down a fucking island like and moves on like it's nothing lol.
You really you think Oda isn't going to hype up Ben when we see him in action? Did you forget that Oda already hyped up Ben over all the other YC1 during the Yonko bounties reveal, not even King was mentioned despite how much of a monster he is in battle.

King is getting all this hype because we are currently focus on him, once Oda focuses on the Red Hair Pirates and we see them in action then Oda will hype up Ben and he might hype up Ben even more than all the other YC1.
Problem is Ben is dont even carry sword . He has gun.
I think sanji will fight Ben as worth opponent to be pirate king crew mate. Zoro fight mihawk when we focus on red hair pirates.
Yeah enmas drawing out more haki? What does covering his other blades have to do with what I said?

Zoro literally said if it keeps going he'll die.

Keep trying to twist shit but in reality I'm right
Enma doesnt draw out more haki than the user already physically has. And therefore it does not increase haki output. That was always a false. It states that it draws more haki than it needs to for tasks that's it.

Secondly zoro mentioned that BEFORE he willing released all of his haki and not regulate it like he normally would when using enma. Which literally means he is now doing the opposite.
If that was the case, all 3 swords wouldn't have black lightning infused in them.

Zoro even states it in the chapter that swords do not have ill will and Enma was testing him to know if he was the right choice. The test is the constant drain.

Zoro was failing to tame it because he was afraid of getting his haki drained by the sword.

It is no surprise that every time Zoro decided to put his all into an attack (Hiryu Kaen and Asura), Enma didn't drain him. This means conquering the fear and going all out is what tamed the sword in this chapter
Lmao enmas trying to do its job. Which is to kill. To do so.... stay with me now..... it's drawing out more power than zoro can manifest naturally.

Zoro literally says he'll die if it continues.

What makes you think that zoro the guy who's letting all his haki be called upon by enma can't focus the haki into his 3 graded swords?

The cope is real
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