Zoro vs King CoC Clash?!

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The ability to wank King when like 20% of chapter is about him is amazing.

Almost this entire chapter is about Zoro taming Enma but somehow that means King > Katakuri? The desperation of Zoro fanboys is palpable. Katakuri has CoC, Top Tier CoO, and AWAKENING. King hasn't shown any of that yet.
OK...Once again Oda hypes his whole race not his own skill....
Me : "Why can't King lose to zoro" "why is King durable?" "Why is King worldly known as top fighter?"
Queen & Oda "cause he's lunarian, peoplewho can survive any nature condition"

"King can self destruction thus beats Doffy"? Lol Doffy & Kata tanked explosions and didn't even get damaged. As if explosions gonna hurt or beat them.

"If you need adcoc to hurt king, king > YCs /doffy" every lunarian has this dura so I guess every lunarian is above Doffy and Marco based on this dumb logic. Unlike kaido, King's dura is something every lunarian has.

"King is stronger cause he tanked self explosion and 2 more mid tier moves " lol King fans are now like doffy fans wank him above Kata for being tanky.
Doffy and Katakuri tanked Luffy's strongest moves before losing. All while being weakened (gk /self stab) . Let's see if King gonna tank Zoro's best moves before losing. Let's seen if weakened King can even fight for an hour like doffy did or 3hrs like Katakuri did.

Seems like Every lunarian has this weakness about their durability in their stomach.

Until King shows Advanced haki or awakening even, he's not above Doffy yet and still below Katakuri ! For now He's only physically stronger.
Nothing changed much: Katakuri (FS CoC awakening) > Doffy (CoC awakening) >= King (lunaria) ~ Marco (regen)

BTW Told Y'all Oda always show Visuals when someone uses CoC/adcoc!
Anyway not gonna comment much on how people getting PUs cheap (a few know my take on discord already)
People are crazy
Katakuri has better koka, speed and CoO than BM yet isn't stronger than admirals or equal

But King has lunairan dura which makes him have top tier dura
, just one stat means "King >Katakuri , Admiral level "

King is the

Yamato is above Ace next . She matched Ace in base. Both were younger but Ace died without mastering his haki and potential
While Yamato Mastered haki and hasn't hit prime yet.
She has adcoc , top coa and speed + defence and great dura and endurance that's more than Ace.

Cards : Ace> King > Queem
That's how it is.
Don't compare it with Ace and Marco stuff where Ace only had CoC but not overall better stats or haki .
This man is so fucking frustrated lol
Its genuinely sad @ZenZu

That's what happens when you spew sewer water out of your mouth for a whole year and then get proven to be a retarded sack of shit in one day


The ability to wank King when like 20% of chapter is about him is amazing.

Almost this entire chapter is about Zoro taming Enma but somehow that means King > Katakuri? The desperation of Zoro fanboys is palpable. Katakuri has CoC, Top Tier CoO, and AWAKENING. King hasn't shown any of that yet.
We zoro fans dont need to wank zoro that much.
Oda already does that for us
Bro stop powerscaling from marineford, it’s the worst arc to do that. Then do you agree that marco is stronger than mihawk?? Mihawk was literally matched sword for sword by a commander (whom at best is weaker than queen). Admirals would f*ck king up badly in a one on one, let’s not go crazy with the king wank here. An admiral like fujitora is probably one of zoro’s endgame villains before or after mihawk (imu arc might actually come after their duel).
Spewing nothing but ass headcanon
King neg Diffs six admirals while nerfed
Continue with your headcanon. If he had continued his fight with Kaido, he would have already learned ADV COC, not just rn, while fighting with King. But No, it didn't happen because he had to babysit 4 crying babies, who couldn't save their asses and, are only good at big talks. Zoro would have been playing with Kaido's head rn.
You say I’m spitting headcannon, when you’re hyping zoro up with how he would do on a hypothetical one on one. Zoro won’t even get a chance for a “true” one on one against a yonko, especially someone of kaido’s caliber. Face it mate, he’s no luffy and the stronger zoro gets in an arc, luffy goes beyond that.
He had a chance to kill Zoro but didn't!
Plot armour
Soon you'd realise it
And kata fought Mr plot armour himself to a point he became a fanboy

King's legit playing with his food at this point. He was probably hoping Zoro would attack and cause King to detonate.
King was already not able to finish Marco even with Queen help
Vs zoro, he's gonna get dumber and dumber coz of plot armour


The Green Sniper
King is strong but he is most certainly no Yonko
Lol that's why Zoro is ready with his swords having ADV COC and King doesn't seem worried at all.
to mention the fact that Luffy has a powerup coming as well that will probably be significant. At the end of the day the gaps will remain.
Luffy is not the only one who would get a power Up. If he gets g5, then Zoro gets black blade. They both were always equal since starting. WSS = PK title. Zoro and Luffy fought equals in whisky peak already. Keep worshiping Lord Luffy.


𝐀𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐭

Zoro remembering his promise to Luffy and confirming Luffy as his bestie. :steef:

Queen cheerleading King and worshipping him as a deity. :hohoho:

To all Lanjitards who said Simpji is Zoro's bestie: Where u at, clowns? :leohah:

I got something for y'all coping Candibros right here:

Sounds like Zoro is talking about Two different people, but I'll wait for the Viz.

"To my captain. And my best friend" is not how you would usually write it if they were the same person (it's in separate sentences).

Add to that, Kuina was mentioned in this chapter.

Gol D. Roger

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LOL stfu Roger you thirsty ass mfer. Let the chapter drop, I'm not worried about powerscaling before I even get to enjoy the chapter.
aight, I'll let you enjoy while you still can:goatasure:

Plot armour
Soon you'd realise it
And kata fought Mr plot armour himself to a point he became a fanboy
Now, you finally said something I can't disagree with.
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