Zoro vs King CoC Clash?!

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The Rogue Prince
Please argue that.
Nameless CoA hardened slashes from DR Zoro post the ISDS feat were slicing up Pica.
Those were similar damage output to what a CoA hardened Grizzly Magnum did. And these were nameless slashes, not even named attacks.

CoA hardened Rengoku Onigiri one-shot Killer. Shishi Sonson put Apoo down temporarily. The same Apoo who tanked a G3 esque attack from Kid effortlessly.

Zoro is a swordsman of YC1-ish calibre. His AP is his best stat (like how Regen is for Marco and FS/CoO is for Katakuri) and it's distinctly high among all high tiers once he got Enma.

He was able to cut Kaido using just CoA. Ofcourse he hits harder, much harder than Katakuri.
what will Shiryu brings on the table?!...

What did King bring though? Lol

Marco the first with Mythical fruit introduced
Ray the first to show adcoa
Doffy the first to officially show the paramecia awakening
Katakuri came with FS as first to officially show it
Kaido the first to show adcoc in current timeline and also before the Oden flashbacks

King? Nothing new offensive /skills wise
just his race


𝐀𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐭
Bruh, there is Cinera and then there is you…

There is this thing called a middle ground fam.

That attack is Yc1 lvl and both King and Zoro are Yc1 with Zoro leaving the fight stronger.
There's no such thing as YC 1 level. YC 1s span from Oden/EOS Shiryu to Katakuri/Marco.


When were you under the impression this game is..
Nameless CoA hardened slashes from DR Zoro post the ISDS feat were slicing up Pica.
Those were similar damage output to what a CoA hardened Grizzly Magnum did. And these were nameless slashes, not even named attacks.

CoA hardened Rengoku Onigiri one-shot Killer. Shishi Sonson put Apoo down temporarily. The same Apoo who tanked a G3 esque attack from Kid effortlessly.

Zoro is a swordsman of YC1-ish calibre. His AP is his best stat (like how Regen is for Marco and FS/CoO is for Katakuri) and it's distinctly high among all high tiers once he got Enma.

He was able to cut Kaido using just CoA. Ofcourse he hits harder than Katakuri.
Ill answer this tomorrow but i never said he didn’t. I was merely arguing the “much harder” part.
And that can barely tag a base Luffy who didn't use FS.

Katakuri's AP genuinely had to be capped at G3/Snakeman at best else he would be too strong for a First Mate.
Zoro, someone who hits much harder than that, can barely damage King.
Why would it have to be cap around that ?
Look at what people like Ray and Oden and Zoro doing and there first mates .
Like AP wise BM so much stronger than Kat there no need to nerf him so low.


Cope Doctor
That doesn’t matter, he’s never been shown using basic COC in the manga. If he knew it fully but hadn’t showed I would argue it’s still poorly written.
liek with all other techniques he uses he doesnt need to know its CoC to use it.... he doesnt understand what it is but he doesnt need an explanation it just works lol.... weird how mihawk didint teach him this
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