Character Discussion Sanji Is the number 3 of the Strawhats.

As we know from the OP Instagram Zoro Is considered the no.2 of the strawhats, which Is something we knew, but I saw people still talking about captain and number 2 without considering number 3, which Is Sanji.
Number 2 and Number 3 are also portrayed similar and considered both two problems of the same level by Queen.
Queen knew about Luffy but never talked about "talking out Number 1 and Number 2" so he compared Zoro to Number 3, which Is Sanji, the calamity doesn't consider captain and Number 2 as threat of the same level.

It's Always best to take out Number 2 and Number 3 quickly, since they're both troublesome in the same way.
In fact I'd say poor King and Queen who are dealing with Number 2 and 3 of the strawhats, the WINGS OF THE PIRATE KING.

So portray Is clear.
Captain >> Number 2 > Number 3 >> the others of the crew.
in term of power? yes.

but for the role, i think its still Nami as the romance dawn trio:happinesspunch:
Nah. Namis great but there’s a reason Oda connects Luffy Zoro and Sanji together while Nami is portrayed with Usopp. And it’s not just a power thing.

When the group splits off Luffy Zoro and Sanji are the leaders of their perspective groups. Even when Nami was with Sanji it was Sanjis group where he was the captain.


Talent is something you make bloom.
Honest opinion here.
Despite the fact that, there is indeed a "romance dawn trio" perpetuated by Oda inside the story, Sanji was still one of the earliest members of the crew. Considering that Oda initially planned for "gather the crew before entering the Grand Line, then enter GL and beat the Yonkos", it's safe to assume that the ones that actually managed to appear BEFORE entering the Grand Line, hold a certain amount of weight different from the rest of the crew.
Basically Sanji's early gunslinger design got split into Sanji and Usopp. These two character have more niche places in the story.
Having said that, I genuinely believe Sanji getting the popularity that he got was NOT a part of Oda's original plan. I REALLY think that, somewhere along the way, Oda decided to bring Sanji closer to some of core aspects of the One Piece story. His family having ties with Vegapunk, arguably one of the most hyped characters so far in the story, having a new Admiral that, by the initial interaction he had with Fujitora, seems to be tailor made for Sanji to fight, etc.
Let's not forget that Sanji post TS had a severe backlash. WCI is, at the very least, a highly divisive arc for the character. I find extremely hard to meet people that have a "neutral" opinion about the events surrounding Sanji on that arc. The Black Maria moment is ANOTHER problematic moment, etc. Despite that, the character managed to stay at 4th place most popular character worldwide (and the vote was during the beginning of the raid, up until Black Maria's moment, so while Sanji's only contribution was saving Momo, and then do nothing for who knows how many chapters, lots of other events were going on hyping characters left and right).
Despite the fact that there are A LOT of narrative decisions that I personally would have made different, I'm quite satisfied overall.
The problem is that these last arcs are EXTREMELY LONG. So, it took WAY more time for Sanji's character arc to finally reach this point. Something that would normally take half the chapters, actually took double the time to happen.
That's rough.
But everything is fine now.
Honest opinion here.
Despite the fact that, there is indeed a "romance dawn trio" perpetuated by Oda inside the story, Sanji was still one of the earliest members of the crew. Considering that Oda initially planned for "gather the crew before entering the Grand Line, then enter GL and beat the Yonkos", it's safe to assume that the ones that actually managed to appear BEFORE entering the Grand Line, hold a certain amount of weight different from the rest of the crew.
Basically Sanji's early gunslinger design got split into Sanji and Usopp. These two character have more niche places in the story.
Having said that, I genuinely believe Sanji getting the popularity that he got was NOT a part of Oda's original plan. I REALLY think that, somewhere along the way, Oda decided to bring Sanji closer to some of core aspects of the One Piece story. His family having ties with Vegapunk, arguably one of the most hyped characters so far in the story, having a new Admiral that, by the initial interaction he had with Fujitora, seems to be tailor made for Sanji to fight, etc.
Let's not forget that Sanji post TS had a severe backlash. WCI is, at the very least, a highly divisive arc for the character. I find extremely hard to meet people that have a "neutral" opinion about the events surrounding Sanji on that arc. The Black Maria moment is ANOTHER problematic moment, etc. Despite that, the character managed to stay at 4th place most popular character worldwide (and the vote was during the beginning of the raid, up until Black Maria's moment, so while Sanji's only contribution was saving Momo, and then do nothing for who knows how many chapters, lots of other events were going on hyping characters left and right).
Despite the fact that there are A LOT of narrative decisions that I personally would have made different, I'm quite satisfied overall.
The problem is that these last arcs are EXTREMELY LONG. So, it took WAY more time for Sanji's character arc to finally reach this point. Something that would normally take half the chapters, actually took double the time to happen.
That's rough.
But everything is fine now.
I think people should stop trying to seperate the EB5. There’s a reason
1. The East Blue Saga ended at Loguetown “The town of beginnings” showing that the east blue was just the prologue of the story
2. The East Blue 5 are the straw hats Oda designed that go along with the initial theme of the “Monkey King.” Where the monkey king challenges Buddha the east blue 5 are each examples of disobeying Buddha’s 5 precepts.
3. The straw hat pirates didn’t exist until post Arlong Park when Nezumi created Luffys bounty.
4. Throughout the arcs these five always get special roles and are the main characters.
Twirly hat pirates is canon.
Wings of the pirate king is canon
There are monster trio covers as well
Sanjis the number 3.
When it comes to batting he indeed is but Oda called romance trio trio the cores/trigers of the crew in color walk 1. When there's a serious conflict in the crew like with Usopp it's mostly boil down to Zoro/Nami arguing their position while Sanji just agrees with whatever Zoro says. When Luffy met his archnemesis and his crew (which is much more important than any antagonist faced yet), Zoro and Nami were the ones with him.
That says I'm of good faith and I see that Sanji has been more involved/central than anyone bar Luffy and Zoro in the crew since Dressrosa/Zou so I don't really have much to argue about
Nah. Namis great but there’s a reason Oda connects Luffy Zoro and Sanji together while Nami is portrayed with Usopp. And it’s not just a power thing.

When the group splits off Luffy Zoro and Sanji are the leaders of their perspective groups. Even when Nami was with Sanji it was Sanjis group where he was the captain.
i mean not the role in the crew or potrayal or whatever, but its specifically on the storywise. i think Nami has a big role in it more than Sanji.