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Fake spoiler :

Kaidou. Seeing how Orochi is too much of a little \+\ kill him. But he still needed him. So he asked Big Mom to use her powers to ressucitate him. 4 times. Because he authorised Hyougoru, Oden 2 times and King to kill the guy.
Then Kaidou said time for the fight with you Oden.
After some fight Oden harmed Kaidou who overjoyed. Oden ? How did you do that ? I want to die since so long ? Wouldn't you want to take the place of Orochi ? We can kill him another time ( debt to Big Mom ).
Oden : Why not, let's party by eating boiled Oden.
Kaidou : What is that ?
Oden : Boiled Oden.
King : Okay.

Zoro ancestor, the Damyo of the ๐ŸฆŠ lost his ways searching for the Battle. And Kaidou, seeing how sad that was said : no problem my friend, you have the right to kill Oro-Shi+ once too.


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