Has Queen been defeated?

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Sanji will meet Osome after beating Queen

He will see the little mouse Chuji and remind of his childhood, then he will cook for Osome and Chuji, then Osome falls in love with Sanji like girls usually do

Chuji joins the crew, pirates usually have Parrots on their shoulders, Sanji will have Chuji the mouse on his shoulder
Luffy does not beat Zoro, especially not neg diff. Don't look for mutual agreement here.

Precise which moment before King's fight he was YC2. Rooftop feats have proven Zoro is clearly at least YC1.
When Zoro can fight either a Yonko one on one, we can say he is higher, but getting help in 5 vs 1 fight isn't putting him above Yonko if he struggling to King who he hasn't even hurt yet and been fodder to his attacks. Zoro at best was YC2 or YC3 going into fight if King is hurting him this much and not trying yet.

Yeah Luffy beating a guy who struggling to YC while he splitting skies to Hybrid Kaido. No same type of fight or even level here.
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Why are Lorotards always talking about ZKK? :choppawhat:
It your guys nature after copium of it being debunked :kayneshrug:.
1. So your admitting G4 isn't power up, but nerf then too? Your not making sense there and none of his swords putting in work unlike Enma is. Please show me where Wado and Sandai have more impact than Enma is doing there.

2. I made it clear as possible, not my fault your unable to get it.

3. Your one who said it's important on swordsman understanding one another, but your quick to use word of a guy who confirmed as non-swordsman on the point. Your kinda hypocriting yourself when trying to use Mihawk the next.

4. Luffy, Law, Kidd, Killer, Drake, Enma, and Franky was trying to help him. Many have help him in his fights.

5. Not that he is weak, but at best he is like in-between of Admirals and YCs, he isn't above Yonkos and Admirals if he struggling to even put out one unlike they are able to. Marineford put it clear he is not Yonko lvl if he got one of his best attacks block by an YC easily. Denying that is truly headcannon as we know there is gap between Warlords to Admirals and Yonkos.
1. For the record you are saying Enma turns Zoro into a mode similar to G4?
Enma doesnt give Zoro any new powers like G4 does nor are they remotely similar.

1b. Last panel all swords Coated CoC. Are you Blind to facts? Yes or No

2 "He is relying on it as again magical sword that can put anything on there unlike Sandai and Wado, so he isn't fighting with skill, only by magical means to try to hurt Queen."
So you are telling me Zoro is currently fighting Queen?

3. Never said "it's important on swordsman understanding one another"
So your opinion is more factual than what actual manga (King) says?

4. Enma is a sword not a character, why do you think Enma is a character in the story?... LOL Where did Zoro explicitly ask any of them for help in his fight vs King or Kaido

5. You just said he's weak because he "can't beat YCs and Warlords in fights" even thought it wasnt a full fight
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