Has Queen been defeated?

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What if Diable Jambe is CoA based, and Asura is CoO based?

That would explain why neither Sanji and Zoro can use those abilities to their fullest extent, because they don't specialize in those forms of Haki.

Diable Jambe is purely physical, and Luffy can replicate fire based abilities with Red Hawk. This coincides with CoA.

Asura is stated to be an illusion, which is 100 percent mental, which coincides with CoO.

The stronger Sanji's CoA gets the stronger Diable Jambe becomes, and that would mean the stronger Zoro's CoO becomes the stronger and more frequent he can use Asura.

That would be an insane plot twist by Oda.

Please make this happen.
asura is acoc 2.0


Weakass CoA
He need fucking exoskeleton to support his flames lol
What happen to Sanji passion burn hotter than flames? His CoA appear to be too weak lol
And they claim he Lunarin :gokulaugh:
Thats cause sanji has lunarian dna so his flames get stronger with his exoskeleton just like king has his durability combined with his flames.
Sanji has lunarian DNA on him no doubt.
Sanji hits Queen's stomach with a powerful kick that makes him bleed from his mouth.
Lmao, L's for people that said Sanji can't make Queen bleeds.:holdthisl:

Sanji: "I've already accepted my “destiny”!!
Another Sanji's character development!!!!!!:finally:

He's not wearing any suit!! So he has disappeared because he's moving at “high-speed”!!
Light speed Sanji is true then LOL!!!!!!!!

What did I say about Sanji being the fastest Strawhat out there?:myman:
The “Color of Arms Haki” that I have been training
RIP to those fuckers that said Sanji doesn't have CoA or his CoA is basic.

Sanji: "“Ifrit Jambe” (Demon-God-Wind-Leg - 魔神風脚 (イフリートジャンブ))!!!"
Sanji the Demon God now? Like what is this? Some kind of Dark Souls shit?

Sanji attacks Queen with a powerful kick. Queen blows away, Sanji's leg has now fire and white lightning effects...

White lightning effects? Don't know what that is but if it's related to CoC then hype I guess!!!!!!!!!

This is over, the Anti-Sanji faction, brace yourself, y'all ain't laughing for longer now. I will officially declares war right here right now.:endthis:

Expect 3 or more Sanji threads from me this Friday.:cheers:
Hope this chapter will finally put Jinbe>Sanji to a rest.

Especially since that you're a Jinbei fan too.:josad:Respect.:catsweat:
Remember when people used to say Sanji will get an Okama PU:usoprice:
Thanks for giving me another idea for my upcoming threads.
@Goat liking Every single post again
He's most likely Buddhism since he's a Vietnamese like me
Nah. I'm Christian lol.
Weakass CoA
He need fucking exoskeleton to support his flames lol
What happen to Sanji passion burn hotter than flames? His CoA appear to be too weak lol
And they claim he Lunarin :gokulaugh:
he literally said he has been training it.. we literally seem him use invisible arnament against giant blades and heavy attacks..

reason being there is no limit to his heat except his body's limitations..the same thing like preTS.. which makes sense and makes ifrit-jambe even more potent


Talent is something you make bloom.
Sanji's likely opponent on the Red Hair crew is Lucky roux.
This is from wiki:
It is likely that his name is a reference to Lucky Luke, a fictional cowboy (gunfighter) from the "Lucky Luke" Franco-Belgian comic book, created by Morris de Bevere. Lucky Luke is known as "The man who shoots faster than his shadow".

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