[FNZ] Role Madness Kaguya-sama: Love is Mafia!

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I present to you my case on Ekko:
i was never the one to say my vote is only to lynch ppl drago

my vote will swap 1000 times if need be

i vote ppl to get them to talk

and its working
That's not my point. You came at me, Flower, and John for not voting Ryu stating that we lacked conviction and all that Ryu stuff went nowhere. But what have you done here? Spent a lot of time pursuing Ultra, you sounded damn near certain he was scum, Ultra has made zero posts ever since you began suspecting him, so you can't tell me he changed your mind, but instead of sticking to your guns, you let him go...for inexplicable reasons.

Then, the second some more time, you're after Juliet. Grilling her all that time only to let her go yet again in the end cause of a claim. Then, you spend this entire EoD trying to redirect a lynch to UwU. But instead of even with that lynch redirect, you end up on Midnight. The player that you have barely talked about the whole day phase. Where is the conviction in your own reads? How do you give up so easily just cause someone claims? Hell, even in this post below you very clearly were doubting John's claim:
JW u rly think we can have

a lie detect
a partiy cop
and 2 masoners?

like how the fook do u vote me when all of these claims r in the game

plus are u a masoner or neighborizer?
But you still let the guy go because?!

Whether it was John, Midnight, T-Pein, or whoever, it seemed to me that you needed to save Mango no matter what and it didn't matter where your vote landed. You've been shading Mango in your earlier posts, name-dropping the guy in your scum reads, but when push comes to shove to lynch him, the hesitance you have is off the charts. Then you finally vote Mango even made a case that clearly shows how scummy the guy is, but after an easy peasy parity cop claim that any mafia can do due to their tmi, you hop off his wagon immediately. I've never seen anybody buy a claim so fast before.

There is no way Usopp was not trying to save his scum buddy Mango during that EoD. If that wasn't a scum buddy trying to save another scum buddy from being lynched, then I don't know what is.

Additionally -
1. Ekko and Flower have conflicting statements:
So, you are either straight up lying or just wrong.

I have no night actions, you can't know s***.
This needs to be resolved. Someone's lying and it's the either the person who's linked to another player in the game, making them likely town, or the person that has been acting extremely scummy since EoD1. I will side with the person that has link.

2. Not one, not two, but three different players all agree that town Ekko double downs and tunnels on his scum reads, while scum Ekko does the crazy EoD shit that he did last day phase:
Usopp always doubles down and hard tunnel when he's town.

As scum he's more for last minute crazy CFD
Couldn't have said it better myself
Town ekko is not easily convinced.
You just ability hunting.
Maybe it is time to push you now.

[Vote lynch Ekko]

@Flower @Kagura
What's the likelihood that JW, Ali, and Pein are all wrong about Ekko's meta, or is he just scum? Take your pick, I already know what I'm going with.

Ekko has accused multiple players of lacking conviction but he has hopped off every single wagon he's joined slurping up every single claim they've made knowing full well that reads >> claims. All that proves how massive of a hypocrite he is and how he does not care about actually lynching scum. Sure, it's fine to vote people to make them talk, but you've made 3 people talk and you've left them all alone in a heartbeat after their claim. Completely believing their claim even though scum can claim anything, especially when pressured? Are you trying to lynch scum or just get as many claims as possible? The most damning part about it is how town Ekko is someone who tunnels and doubles down on their reads. This is backed up by 3 players. So in all, Ekko the hypocrite has been playing with no conviction which is a complete 180 from his town meta but his EoD matches bar for bar with his scum meta. Ekko is scum. Plain and simple.
Vote Ekko if you haven't already. If you already have, keep it there. Don't listen to Ekko's ramblings as he tries to sway you. The guy is about as close to outed scum as one can be.


Kinda skimmed the thread from the start of D1 but I prolly missed a lot of stuff too. Tbh I'm not sure why you town read UwU. I rarely play with him, so I can't really judge him based on his meta. Though his vote EoD was weird.
I town read him because of the effort he put into during the last day phase. He rarely does so as he's generally a low-poster. To see him do so puts him in a positive light for me. Especially the reaction test on Flower where he fake claimed a guilty result on her. Don't think scum UwU would be doing that when it brings unnecessary attention to himself.


✨More Than A Game ╰(°▽°)╯✨
Initially I had a town read on Flower, Drago and Ekko and two of them are voting for the other. PLus there is Tpein too. I was quite onboard with Ekko about lynching Uwu especially because of his reaction test and the switching to Midnight vote. Now it's turning into a difficult decision.


✨More Than A Game ╰(°▽°)╯✨
I present to you my case on Ekko:
That's not my point. You came at me, Flower, and John for not voting Ryu stating that we lacked conviction and all that Ryu stuff went nowhere. But what have you done here? Spent a lot of time pursuing Ultra, you sounded damn near certain he was scum, Ultra has made zero posts ever since you began suspecting him, so you can't tell me he changed your mind, but instead of sticking to your guns, you let him go...for inexplicable reasons.

Then, the second some more time, you're after Juliet. Grilling her all that time only to let her go yet again in the end cause of a claim. Then, you spend this entire EoD trying to redirect a lynch to UwU. But instead of even with that lynch redirect, you end up on Midnight. The player that you have barely talked about the whole day phase. Where is the conviction in your own reads? How do you give up so easily just cause someone claims? Hell, even in this post below you very clearly were doubting John's claim:

But you still let the guy go because?!

Whether it was John, Midnight, T-Pein, or whoever, it seemed to me that you needed to save Mango no matter what and it didn't matter where your vote landed. You've been shading Mango in your earlier posts, name-dropping the guy in your scum reads, but when push comes to shove to lynch him, the hesitance you have is off the charts. Then you finally vote Mango even made a case that clearly shows how scummy the guy is, but after an easy peasy parity cop claim that any mafia can do due to their tmi, you hop off his wagon immediately. I've never seen anybody buy a claim so fast before.

There is no way Usopp was not trying to save his scum buddy Mango during that EoD. If that wasn't a scum buddy trying to save another scum buddy from being lynched, then I don't know what is.

Additionally -
1. Ekko and Flower have conflicting statements:
This needs to be resolved. Someone's lying and it's the either the person who's linked to another player in the game, making them likely town, or the person that has been acting extremely scummy since EoD1. I will side with the person that has link.

2. Not one, not two, but three different players all agree that town Ekko double downs and tunnels on his scum reads, while scum Ekko does the crazy EoD shit that he did last day phase:
What's the likelihood that JW, Ali, and Pein are all wrong about Ekko's meta, or is he just scum? Take your pick, I already know what I'm going with.

Ekko has accused multiple players of lacking conviction but he has hopped off every single wagon he's joined slurping up every single claim they've made knowing full well that reads >> claims. All that proves how massive of a hypocrite he is and how he does not care about actually lynching scum. Sure, it's fine to vote people to make them talk, but you've made 3 people talk and you've left them all alone in a heartbeat after their claim. Completely believing their claim even though scum can claim anything, especially when pressured? Are you trying to lynch scum or just get as many claims as possible? The most damning part about it is how town Ekko is someone who tunnels and doubles down on their reads. This is backed up by 3 players. So in all, Ekko the hypocrite has been playing with no conviction which is a complete 180 from his town meta but his EoD matches bar for bar with his scum meta. Ekko is scum. Plain and simple.
Vote Ekko if you haven't already. If you already have, keep it there. Don't listen to Ekko's ramblings as he tries to sway you. The guy is about as close to outed scum as one can be.
Okay. But answer me this - what do you think about the people who's wagons were started by Ekko. Ofc, Middy turned out to be a town but what about Uwu, Mango and Juliet? Do you believe their claims yourself?


What could have been...
i am heading home rn and was thinking of going to sleep but looks like this might be an all nighter

get urself some mountain dew, red bull and coupls shots of espresso drago, u gna need them :ufdup


What could have been...
I present to you my case on Ekko:

That's not my point. You came at me, Flower, and John for not voting Ryu stating that we lacked conviction and all that Ryu stuff went nowhere. But what have you done here? Spent a lot of time pursuing Ultra, you sounded damn near certain he was scum, Ultra has made zero posts ever since you began suspecting him, so you can't tell me he changed your mind, but instead of sticking to your guns, you let him go...for inexplicable reasons.
my statement was 100% true. you had no conviction. u were not a threat to ryu. u never pursued him similar to how i pursued literally any of my scum reads. can you tell me that u pushed ryu more than me pushing ultra/juliet/mango/uwu/mid? i know u will say i did not push mango but i joined the wagon and him, iso'ed him and demanded him to post. had he not claimed we wuda continued with our votes on him.

i have only changed from ultra because as i mentioned like 10 times now, he hinted lie detect. i am not blind lynching that. tell me drago what has ryu hinted? why did u move from ryu? what have u got from ryu's push? nothing. absolutely nothing. i got midnight lynched and got mango/juliet/uwu to claim, meaning you literally got NOTHING from ryu. tell me who has more conviction now? results speak for themselves drago

conviction is one thing. tunneling is another. i pushed my scum reads to the max. when they claimed i will of course reconsider my position. i will not risking a claimed townie when i have another scum reads to pursue. can you really look at me with a straight face and say you pushed ryu more than me pushing ANY of my scum reads? can you realllly say that??? if so then what results have you got from ryu? so far i see nothing and there is literally nothing u say that will convince me otherwise.

i never said my vote is holy and i will vote without changing it. i was literally the one telling u to use ur vote as ur power to pressure others. u were the one saying u hardly change ur vote yet u changed after 5 minutes from ryu. tell me what conviction is this drago?? what nonsense is this exactly?? u moved to fuji who flipped town as well. absolutely terrible vote track record.


Then, the second some more time, you're after Juliet. Grilling her all that time only to let her go yet again in the end cause of a claim. Then, you spend this entire EoD trying to redirect a lynch to UwU. But instead of even with that lynch redirect, you end up on Midnight. The player that you have barely talked about the whole day phase. Where is the conviction in your own reads? How do you give up so easily just cause someone claims? Hell, even in this post below you very clearly were doubting John's claim:

But you still let the guy go because?!
see in your own post you said "grilling her" that already implied i hard pushed her. i showed all conviction i needed. but why would i lynch her after she claimed? why?? u still have not answered that part. u keep latching on me leaving my lynches but u never want to address the reason of why i left those lynches. juliet claimed a protective role that we can confirm at night. give me 1 reason i should lynch her. in fact you yourself voted her and unvoted from her, so what the actual fk is this hypocrisy right now drago? you the one who said u will only vote to lynch?? and now u r blaming me for moving away when i never said i only vote to lynch?? really drago??

i moved to uwu because he was next in line, and i also squeezed a claim out of him, literally all of my pushes were better than ur sad excuse of a scum read on ryu, literally all of them. no exception. we got a claim from everyone i pushed, we still got no claim from ryu. its 4-0 to me tbh. only ultra didnt claim and he was dead inactive but i still pushed him harder than u ever pushed ryu. its pretty obvious to me who has more conviction here and u cant argue against that. what u r asking me now is to tunnel and i will not do that unless i am absolutely certain they r scum which i was not.

also the move to midnight was not random. i gave u 10 posts atleast of where i mentioned him strongly and even added him to my scum list. actually that was alone stronger than ur push on ryu. u only have collectively about 5~7 posts on ryu and that never got anything about of him.

i got my scum reads to claim and even lynched one of them. there is absolutely no way u dont see how much of sheer conviction i had here. i basically dominated last day in terms of thread control and bullied 3 inactives to talk and claim. u cant show any more conviction than that. sorry i will not tunnel them though because i am not scum. i will not risk lynching claimed townies like u want me to. and u still cannot give me a reason why to lynch them.


Whether it was John, Midnight, T-Pein, or whoever, it seemed to me that you needed to save Mango no matter what and it didn't matter where your vote landed. You've been shading Mango in your earlier posts, name-dropping the guy in your scum reads, but when push comes to shove to lynch him, the hesitance you have is off the charts. Then you finally vote Mango even made a case that clearly shows how scummy the guy is, but after an easy peasy parity cop claim that any mafia can do due to their tmi, you hop off his wagon immediately. I've never seen anybody buy a claim so fast before.
you have yet to give ur thoughts on mango btw, why dont u start on that. he said he got a matching result on tpein and uwu, what do u make of this?

actually where is ur crackpot theory of me wanting to save mango coming from? tell me why do i unvote from uwu and go to midnight if my goal was to save mango. answer me. why?? u have yet to answer. uwu had 3 on him. midnight had 1. why the fk do i do that and make it a 4 way tie risking my life and mango's life?

how do i know JW was gna vote midnight with us?? answer me drago.. answer

like u seriously want me to lynch a parity cop day 1? are u hinting cop here actually? if u r then pls just outright claim it so i see where r u coming from. cuz mango now has a result showing both tpein and uwu being same parity and u have yet to address that.

There is no way Usopp was not trying to save his scum buddy Mango during that EoD. If that wasn't a scum buddy trying to save another scum buddy from being lynched, then I don't know what is.
saving mango from being lynched by voting midnight??? just foken how??
did u fail math??

uwu - 3
ekko - 2
mango - 2
midnight - 1

why the fk would i move from uwu to midnight ever in this senario if i want to save mango. if u can asnwer me drago i will modkill myself. if u can convince me here that what i did was a scum play, i will actually straight up claim and modkill myself. i am that confident u cant find a reason for me to move to midnight here if my end goal is to save mango.

you cant be this bad


Additionally -
1. Ekko and Flower have conflicting statements:

This needs to be resolved. Someone's lying and it's the either the person who's linked to another player in the game, making them likely town, or the person that has been acting extremely scummy since EoD1. I will side with the person that has link.
oh yea i was waiting for mango to post b4 saying i have nothing on flower
i thought she might've roleblocked mango or smth so i wanted to see what results mango had. i am not an investigative role in any way

i will make a separate post to clear this. it was a reaction test and flower's slow responses absolutely failed it. if it wasnt for kagura vouching for her i would be voting flower now

2. Not one, not two, but three different players all agree that town Ekko double downs and tunnels on his scum reads, while scum Ekko does the crazy EoD shit that he did last day phase:

What's the likelihood that JW, Ali, and Pein are all wrong about Ekko's meta, or is he just scum? Take your pick, I already know what I'm going with.
for 2 phases in the akatsuki game, i straight up played like this and u were the host and saw me, can u deny that? can u??
hidden's game i played same way
your ToL game i played same way
manison game i played same way

literally all the recent games i played was like this, so why don't you read back and see for your self how i play? why are u relying what possible scum can be saying to get me lynched? are u brain damaged drago, like u really cant be okay LOL

these r some of the stupidest discussions and points ive seen. what am i even defending myself from

u have all the facts laid out in front of u but u straight up deny them all

the heck??

Ekko has accused multiple players of lacking conviction but he has hopped off every single wagon he's joined slurping up every single claim they've made knowing full well that reads >> claims. All that proves how massive of a hypocrite he is and how he does not care about actually lynching scum. Sure, it's fine to vote people to make them talk, but you've made 3 people talk and you've left them all alone in a heartbeat after their claim. Completely believing their claim even though scum can claim anything, especially when pressured? Are you trying to lynch scum or just get as many claims as possible? The most damning part about it is how town Ekko is someone who tunnels and doubles down on their reads. This is backed up by 3 players. So in all, Ekko the hypocrite has been playing with no conviction which is a complete 180 from his town meta but his EoD matches bar for bar with his scum meta. Ekko is scum. Plain and simple.
reads > claims does not mean u randomly lynch claimed players. specially not a claimed parity cop. i have showed 10 times more convictions than any of u and in fact i got the entire game active last EoD and i still have more posts than the other top 4 combined. you go down this path here town is dead certainly losing. its no "if" or "but" or "how".. its straight up facts.

you make it sound like i 100% trusted these players and belived their claim like its all nice and dandy. what about the parts where i said we can catch them in a lie at night? why r u ignoring that? i only left them cuz their claims can all be confirmed or caught in a lie. why ado u want me to double out on them when we can night check them or catch them in a lie huh? answer

my last 5 to 10 games i played literally carbon copy of this and flipped town, you all are free to go back and read, i know u have eyes drago. kindly use them. i would actually like for u to bring me a game where i played scum like this. i actually dare any of u to. bring me a recent game where i played a carbon copy of now and was scum not town. go.

i have debunked everything u said. its literally bunch of baloney. my conviction is far better, i pushed for activity, i got activity, i pushed my scum reads, got them talk, i lynched one of my scum reads. end of story. i absolutely did what i wanted to do. midnight was one of my scum reads and i pushed it through. where is your push on ryu? what happened to it? it basically vanished. who has conviction now?

and its honestly a joke u randomly belive what 3 players have to say about my meta, 3 players who r voting me and we dont even know their alignment. why dont u go back and confirm what they r saying for urself? why r u denying that my game has been absolutely town this game AND in all last games, and its been a carbon copy of this.

you say scum can claim anything and thats true but id rather leave a scum alive for 1 day than risk lynching vital town roles. i will not randomly tunnel and lose important roles when i have other scum reads to push. thats the stupidest thing u can do ever. there r 16 players in the game and u want me to tunnel 2 or 3 even after they claimed? are u forreal? is that really your case? you cant even tell me properly how voting from uwu to midnight saves mango. it actually puts me and mango in more danger instead. u really cant be this bad drago...


i will actually just say this once and once only. if u r town, first of all, kindly read this all

second of all, if u r town and u still think im the way to go after reading all of this. kindly don't sign up to any games i am in because carrying your sorry ass is not worth my time

when 90% of you hypocrite shits are not active day 1 yet only blame the single player trying to actually move the game forward. all of u deserve to be flamed honestly. no exception

1. @Dragoban
2. @Juliet
3. @ConquistadoR
4. @Kagura
5. @Ekkologix
6. @Ultra @Kawaii
7. @Xlaw
8. @T-Pein™
9. @Midnight Delight - [Adolphe Pescarolo] - Executed D1
10, @Alibaba
11. @~UwU~
12. @MangoSenpai
13. @Ryu Kishi
14. @Flower
15. @AoFuji - [Tsubame Koyasu] - Killed N1
16. @RippedCal


What could have been...
actually drago u really cant be this bad as town

consider this vote a praise to your scum play

[vote lynch drago]

if you are actually town here i really don't know what to say

im actually lost for words

i have seen bad townies before, but this... this scares me


What could have been...
i swear to god if u r town here u have surpassed rion and nitty in how shit you can be as town

or atleast got their level

and thats reaallly realllyyyyy the lowest u can go


What could have been...


What could have been...
Okay. But answer me this - what do you think about the people who's wagons were started by Ekko. Ofc, Middy turned out to be a town but what about Uwu, Mango and Juliet? Do you believe their claims yourself?
i asked him this like 5 times among other questions

he straight up does not answer, nor bring proofs, nor reads back


What could have been...
What are your other reads about Ekko?

why you are lynching him apart from him getting easily convinced with the claims?
he thinks im scummate with juliet

juliet, who i started the wagon on

juliet, who i randomly told the whole game to push when she was perfectly hidden

juliet, who he would still not give me a proper reason why she is scum

apparently thats what distancing is

even beta's game throw play against TAC in that antagonists game was better than this
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