What is King’s real name?

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I will never forgive Oda
Needing a powerup to win by few named attacks is not the same as new arsenal like g4 dude
And being tired after fighting doesn't make it extreme diff stop being biased.
If Sanji cannot win without it, idk how that doesn’t push it to high diff. He literally needed major growth to win.

If he’s so exhausted he drops unconscious, that means he gave everything he had and he was pushed to his limits. Extreme diff.
Yeah because he’s now fighting a version of Sanji that can consistently hurt him. Trying to downplay Queens own damage is very weird, considering it’s in broad day light and more focused on than HM
Im not downplaying it, it just served more as a gag than something relevant, thats why it wasn't shown to make difference

Unless you believe Chopper nerfed Queen :kobeha:
dam so sanji falls from exaustion ... are the leaks back on track now ???

1. Sanji defeats Queen and loses consciousness because of exhaustion

2. Zoro defeats King. The serum wears off and he's in extreme pain, loses consciousness.

3. Luffy is on the edge of defeating Kaidou.

4. Sanji awakens emotionless and begins destroying everyone. No one can stop him.

5. Zoro wakes up bloodied after hearing Sanji's rampage. He's nearly dead but he remembers that he promised Sanji that he'd stop him.

6. Sanji vs Zoro. Sanji nearly kills Zoro. Zoro is trying to snap Sanji out of it.

7. Sanji and Zoro have a big bro moment. Zoro calls Sanji by his name and reminds Sanji of his of dream. Sanji remembers who he is.

8. Zoro requests that Sanji help him for one more thing.

9. Luffy defeats Kaidou??!? Kaidou awakens once more. Luffy has no energy. Kaidou plans to kill Luffy now. He uses boro breath.

10. The wings of the pirate king appear! Sanji sends Zoro to Kaidou. Kaidou blasts Boro Breath at Luffy. Zoro cuts boro breath with fire fox style.

11. Double spread of Zoro hearing the breath of all things around him. Every single person, every single aspect of land, air, and sea.

12. Flying Dragon Blaze Technique Mortally Wounds Kaidou From oda’s draft and conversation between Oda and his editor These are for future events not 1032
With a cheapshot as well.:suresure::suresure: what happened to his regeneration:ihaha:

EOW Sanji is Yc2. Kizaru level Sanji:saden:

I'm done with this shit

Sanji is obviously still conscious just like he was after stalling king and queen

And his regeneration is gonna help him heal all the damage he took from this fight

Still a mid diff nonetheless

Sanji is currently a solid YC1


I will never forgive Oda
Im not downplaying it, it just served more as a gag than something relevant, thats why it wasn't shown to make difference

Unless you believe Chopper nerfed Queen :kobeha:
Chopper didn’t make Queen flail in pain and release his opponent. It was a plot device to let Sanji escape but that doesn’t devalue the fact it was the worst damage Queen received pre Ifrit Jambe
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