What is King’s real name?

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𝐀𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐭
It will be a callback to their first duel where it was Mihawk who broke Zoro's swords and will prove there's nothing he cannot cut.
A Mihawk without Yoru has no purpose.
I don't want any Black Blades to be destroyed, especially not Yoru ("the finest in the world").

a giant fire dragon outside onigashima flying over the capital will probably be seen by most people on the ground
If this happens, it'll make me seriously reconsider ZKK.

if you look at the draw the dragon is beheaded in the image. the panel is a reference to the panel oda attacked kaido and the beheading is a reference to ryuma beheading a dragon in the past and the editor note makes clear we will notice it.
Zoro cuts cleanly through the dragon, he doesn't behead it:

I wouldn't say failed. Getting pushed back with a lil scratch does not mean he failed to counter it.

The AP behind Imperial Flame didn't look like the main problem it was the lethality of the element and I'd argue Marco can fly out of the way when Zoro can even dodge it with not so great mobility.
I mean that he didn't counter it the way he did Prometheus' Flames.

He was able to successfully block it though.

But he can't block Imperial Dragon Flame as it required his strongest defensive technique for Imperial Flame.
Sanji does something = Compare him to Zoro

Law and Kid does something = Comapre them to Zoro

Luffy does something = Bring up Zoro

Zoro's opponents does something = comapre him to Law/Kid/Sanji/Luffy's opponents

Hate or love him Zoro and his opponents are always the ball park you mofos use as a measuring stick

#ZKKSoon 😏
Zoro isn't the story's official standard bearer for nothing. :ace:
On the slightly different note, do you think Zoro could have gone all out and defeated King without CoC lets say if Enma didn't act up.
He can use Ashura and Fire cutting abilities and ISDS etc?

What do you guys think?
without enma acting up zoro wouldnt be using adCoC. Zoros only way to win then would be striking king when he isnt using his flame durablity hax. i guess this would depend on how long the mink medicine shit keeps zoro up. if he legit passes out next chapter due to the medicine (and not due to excessive haki output), i think it would be fair to say he wouldnt have defeated king in the limited time he had.
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