This man Loda really said fuck it another ennies lobby. Man's had to make the equivalent of another swift diff while at half health
He said he's tired of the sanji downplay.
Man's straight up had zoros opponent make his fastest attack be "like a beam" according to zoro
Man's has pre awakening sanji dodging barrages of beams.
Man's said fuck it ima make him so fast zoro can't even perceive him in his own arc😂😂😂😬
Then goes on to make king look weak by boosting sanjis speed even more with ifrit
Then to top it all off with a juicy cherry he gave sanji better flames than zoros opponent and had zoro literally be scared of the flames😅😅😅😅😅😅
Imagine Loda screaming at you that sanjis this much better and you still don't recognize that sanji and zoro were always of the same tier but zoros gets rhm portrayal:laughmoji:
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