Lhuzu - Guilty on Alibaba
TAC - LO on Mango --> Don visiting
TAC - Transed twice
Light - Failed Action
Drago - Failed Action
Enryu - 1-shot Invest result
I don't really see Lhuzu and TAC fake claiming results here, especially the former. No trans shenanigans possible since Vet claim that don't visit, and Ali not claiming transed.
Drago & Light can't be Mafioso/GF + Poisoner 'cause kills on N2.
I think here we solved Alibaba first, then block Don + invest there. If they show up as the GF/BG/Arso invest results, it's a Mafioso turned GF confirmed and we're not lynching him ever. Jailing 'till end of times so no mafia kill anymore.
Thanks Zemmi & Flower