If he carries on with this attitude and behaviour, I'm sadly inclined to agree. Oda is really trolling us with that tease though. Maybe he's trolling us with a false hope of Usopp getting it and a deliberate misdirection? As if to say Usopp could have had it but he doesn't deserve it? I really thought he was brave, admirable, awesome etc pre TS but I really hate how Oda has handled him post TS except the whole awesome plant powers and maybe sniping Sugar too.
Usopp deserves better than this. I really wanted him to be superior to Yasopp and Auger but it doesn't feel like he's even anywhere near their standard right now. Maybe in sniping skill at best but that's it? I mean Yasopp did abandon his wife and son and let her die without returning to her too, so he's not so "innocent" either? A form of cowardice even?
But man, Usopp was amazing pre TS and I just wish Oda would give him that same respect again. He won't even let him use a gun, even just for emergencies/short range yet ironically the SHs pulled out guns vs Robin when she tried to join them on the ship or something, even Sanji pointing one at her!

This is the Usopp we could have gotten too!:
I'm really desperately clinging onto copium for Elbaf to redeem him as well as the Red Haired Pirates and Shanks's lack of screentime and such but I am really worried for how Oda is gonna handle it and for the future of their characters and the story. Usopp and Nami v Page One and Ulti was such awful writing too, sigh.