Look at that full body panel with the three swords
coated in AdvCoC and AdvCoA.
Jesus Christ the epicness in that panel....
It seems like it was King the one who told Kaido about Joyboy which means he has a lot of that ancient Lunarian knowledge. We'll see him again for sure he is now that important to the One Piece plot and lore. Also, take a good look at his portrayal as Kaido's First Mate, being undefeated or how the CP0 member reacted to his defeat lmao he was shook, has anyone spoken about Queen's cheapshot defeat yet? Lmao Levels to this shit, folks.
Captain and Partner>>>>>>>>>>>>the rest of the crew.
And well, there is a massive difference between showing us readers a panel where the winner faints and needs to be treated by prostitutes after literally taking 2 fucking germa level (trash AP) attacks and cheapshotting your opponent not even fucking clashing or obliterating his strongest attack but just cheapshotting him lmao and fucking overpowering him in a clash then propelling yourself back to the island and fucking taking a little resting nap. There's no panel of the man fainting. Again, levels and portrayal.