Who is the skeleton / Whats the purpose?

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I mean, going by the logic of people who can use flow can infuse their COC with their attacks, you just need to master level-2 COA—something Gorgon sisters managed to master—and boom you're able to infuse your attacks with COC, provided that you're born with it. I don't think it's that simple and I don't see why someone of Katakuri's caliber can't pull it off if it's as easy. We don't know what it is but it takes something more than just knowing to flow your COA to be able to use COC coating.
Oda never thought of adcoc until after Oden flashbacks
That's why splitting the sky is now when top tiers use adcoc in a clash

You can see Kata has thick zigzag CoC haki trails from his attacks but that's not it.

Oda will grant adCoC to anyone at this point
Zoro using adcoc without knowing he had CoC and can't even control basic Coc should end this debate "adCoC is hard to have"

Or else Doffy, Ace , Kata etc...who Mastered basic CoC would be using it
Especially Katakuri who is a haki master.
Which begs the questin why did Oda do that ?

If he doesn't take BM down here he could've easily just leave her out of the whole arc.
Because Oda is a hack
He crowded Wano and many characters suffer :
  • Marco being useless combat wise , just flying around , why did he come really? Just to stall BM and fail, stall calamities and fail..
  • BM being here where she's not hated by citizens, she can't lose cause her story will end in elbaf but she can't also win cause Kidd and law needs to end the arc in better light.
  • ....
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