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1. Fujitora won. The revos lost.

2. If he was as injured as you make it sound like he wouldn't be sent off on a mission the very next day

3. I'm sure Fujitora was casually throwing Meteors in the middle of Marijoie, while having to protect Royals. Right?

4. You downplaying Sabo and his friends isn't gonna change that his group would bodybag Kid+Law or Big Mom very easily
Kaido would stomp Sabos group

Gorosei Informer

I just have a bad feeling I'll go get some lunch and do some other stuff and the spoilers will come out whilst I'm gone.

Or I'm just turbo coping atm. s


We can either get them in the next 1.5 hours at most or not for another 10-13 hours or so...

King isn't shown on Doffy's speech so it doesn't matter.

Fuji was with bandages for an entire week, that's how badly they beat his ass.
Yes it does matter because Oda showed subordinates for both the Marines and Revos.
Akainu => Admirals
Dragon => Sabo,Ivankov,Morley
They literally have the same rank as Ivankov. Which is commander of the RA.

You're gonna take another fat L, you should try to switch up before looking like a clown again.

Betting on BM was already dumb asf.
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