Did Kanjuro Kill Big Mom?

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Talent is something you make bloom.
No matter what Law did, it contributed very little to what actually led to Big Mom's defeat.
It is said on the leak that Big Mom was trying to HEAL herself and LAW stopped her.

How the FUCK do you say that Law "contributed very little" and decides to give credit to a fucker that pushed her down a hole knowing she can use her homies to fly?
Are you fucking serious?
Actually what was the plot with Yamato?
With or without her, Law and Kid would took the bombs together with Kazenbo down, she was pretty meanigless in that scene, so why we spend so much screentime for this plot if she was irrelevant in first case, sometimes I just don´t understand Oda writing.
Because of that shit, we rushing events who are more important because he dragg out irrelevant stuff who been uselees since the begin, he cut off panels for fights because of this shit.
Pretty shitty in terms that Yamato plot with the bombs was just pointless, Kid and Law did the job for her.
Not at all.
Yamato froze the bombs before Kazenbo could blow them up and ignite them.

Acting like Kid and Law was able to stop them before Kaz got down is foolish when you can look at the manga and see.

You can say its overall its not satisfying or something but thats not what you said.
The fact that Kidd couldn't KO Big Meme after she went through Law's strongest move, says how much Law himself did to Meme a lot less than some wanted to seem.

They attacked her thanks to her lowering her guard, thanks to covering their backs and advantaging in 2 vs 1, used their finishers at 110%. More than once. Still was not enough and she endured, and Plot Deus Ex Machina Kanzenbo and bombs were needed.

To do a BFR. What King already did at the beginning of the arc.
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