Did Kanjuro Kill Big Mom?

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It wasnt resolved because Yamato was still dealing with it. Big mom dealing with it in a kill 2 birds with one stone situation as what it is percived in the summary a basically Gag to give Kidd and Law the victory is terrible

Makes Law and Kidd look bad in comparisson to ch 1039
I fail to see how it makes Law and Kidd look bad. They are fighting an emperor. They already proved themselves worthy opponents.

Them winning this way is still a victory and it doesn't discredit Big Mum.
Your dumb ass is proving my point, just because someone knows something doesn't mean they have to tell Luffy.
And your dumbass totally missed the point.

Both Usopp and Robin declined to find out any info, knowing it would spoil their adventure. Rayleigh has already had his adventure. Rayleigh is not a straw hat. Rayleigh is not travelling on their ship with them. Oda's not gonna have some of the biggest secrets in the story randomly known to just one of the straw hats before all of them arrive at Raftel together and find everything out in the big climactic revelation.

Try and use your head. Empty as it may be.
She was completely conscious. Even screaming out loud that she was not done.

She was BFRd.
Not KOed.
and the author confirmed she was still defeated by kidd and law .she couldnt move
and she fell to the ground kilometres below without a chance of healing herself from the damage they did . they won.

you do realize katakuri was completely conscious as well yet luffy won that battle
I dont know why people would convince themselves of the total opposite of what has been penned in the story.
delusional is what I would describe it as.
and the author confirmed she was still defeated by kidd and law .she couldnt move
and she fell to the ground kilometres below without a chance of healing herself from the damage they did . they won.

you do realize katakuri was completely conscious as well yet luffy won that battle
I dont know why people would convince themselves of the total opposite of what has been penned in the story.
delusional is what I would describe it as.
Didnt knew katakuri got hit by a island level nuke
-Communicated with Poseidon in the form of a mermaid princess, as well as knowing two other ancient weapons
-Knows about the Will of D.
-Is connected to the Void Century
-Was friends with Zunesha and possibly all of the minks
-Went to some island to leave treasure behind that can only be accessed by poneglyphs
-Was possibly looked at as a world-changer by Lunarians like King
-Was wished to have been met by Roger
-Was thought by Oden as someone significant enough to open Wano's borders for

Seems like this Joy Boy guy got around quite a bit.
Oda cornered the Yankers so much is unbelievable. Before they told everyone to believe in Kaido's title and 1v1 superiority as an official narration box "confirmed" it. Alright I'll do that, but now Law and Kid being declared as winners doesn't mean that BM lost.

That level of cope is just hilarious
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