World War 3

They have Kyiv too... Ukraine is FUCKED and some cities in the east are already isolated&surrounded my Russian military.
Just a matter of time until the war crimes begin, like rape etc...
You know the whole "russian army attack from Belarus" turn out to be CNN fake...
So Kiev is probably fine... For now.
So far they focus on military outposts, bases, aerodromes destruction
Still miniscule when Ukraine got 44m people... people really like to overreact and scare people, putin had this issue with Ukraine since 2014 and he invaded before....
He supported separatist. There was no invasion until now.


True, but still the other leaders of the world wont risk it for one country, Ukraine may have lost but that doesn't mean that now every country gotta fight with each other, putin dont have a reason to go beyond that, maybe only Belarus.
Yeah he definitely made russia suffer all those sanctions just for Belarus