Gorosei Informer

Friendly reminder of what happened with Pell and Igaram amongst other characters too.

You don't see a corpse or even flying guts from an explosion? Don't assume they are dead. Especially without a funeral too. The lack of gore works in favour of death fakeouts/asspulls/baits and such.

Pedro not long after what happened at WCI:

Also fun fact, there was a homie that as taunting Pedro. It was also a pumpkin scarecrow I believe and I suspected Pedro may not be killed off for real after we saw his "death" and remembering this homie exists too. It may has stolen lifespan in it. We learnt Opera and Muscato can be brought back to life after returning their stolen lifespan back to them too.

Friendly reminder of what happened with Pell and Igaram amongst other characters too.

You don't see a corpse or even flying guts from an explosion? Don't assume they are dead. Especially without a funeral too. The lack of gore works in favour of death fakeouts/asspulls/baits and such.

Pedro not long after what happened at WCI:

Also fun fact, there was a homie that as taunting Pedro. It was also a pumpkin scarecrow I believe and I suspected Pedro may not be killed off for real after we saw his "death" and remembering this homie exists too. It may has stolen lifespan in it. We learnt Opera and Muscato can be brought back to life after returning their stolen lifespan back to them too.

My man pespero got ganked by a bunch of furries for no reason :kobeha: