Gorosei Informer

So it takes 20+ chapters for Luffy to get to the roof meanwhile the cp0 bum skywalks his way there in 1? Wtf
Skywalk supremacy! There was a hole to the roof before wasn't there caused by Kaido flying up to it? Couldn't Luffy have just stretched up to the roof via that hole?

Gorosei Informer

i doubt kaido cares about anyone so a hostage would be useless (doffy was his fav subordinate probably)
Yeah, I think Jack or King may have worked but if they had gotten taken hostage through some mega BS too, I would have genuinely seethed with rage lmfao. Maybe Kaido adores Ulti as opposed to Yamato and she may have worked?

But yeah, I guess Kaido wouldn't really have anyone to have as a hostage weaponised against him as you said.
Title: The long waited fight
Big Mom get out of the hole
She is rescued by the people of Okobore, she's kind happy about that, but wish that Kaido smash everyone in the island
Luffy vs Kaido
Kaido use a Boro Breath to his Kanabo to make an explosive Raimei Hakke
Luffy's down, but the floor start moving strangely around him
King appear, he is not defeated
He had taken Otoko as an hostage and ask Luffy to let Kaido win
Kaido is pissed, but King is stopped by Sanji
King "For that one, i'll need awakening for sure"
No break next week

Gorosei Informer

Honestly tama has stronger subordinates than law
Lmfao thats unironically true! In the anime they just had Hybrid Ulti and Page One in Zoan form fighting Hihimaru or w/e his name is! A massive clash?! How did a little girl end up with a superior army not even just a crew even to nearly all the Supernovas?!

I'm so frustrated with how irrelevant Bepo is, how Kidds crew actually completley suck just like Law's and what was the point of Jean Bart joining Law? I hope Kidd and Law get a massive boost to their crews at the end of this arc but I doubt it.

Shanks has a fucking monkey as an executive FFS! That monkey will probably be more impressive than their crews or is already! Big Mom also has Randolph the musketeer rabbit homie who is probably more impressive than the Supernova crews and yet she can't pul souls in living things too, so how did she even make him?

Unfortunately I think the SNs do suffer from being last minute additions and unplanned by Oda ofc.