How many more times will Luffy lose to Kaido?

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Zoro never showed his full strength on the rooftop either. He was weaken when he used Dead Man Game. We tried to tell everybody that but some didn't want to believe it. They believe broken bones wouldn't have any effect on this attack.
Broken body affected his stamina. That is all. There is no proof that healthy Ashura have more ap than whatever was shown. He will be just having fuel for another Ashura or more. That is all. You all making up things which is a basic trait of your fanbase.
Zoro never showed his full strength on the rooftop either. He was weaken when he used Dead Man Game. We tried to tell everybody that but some didn't want to believe it. They believe broken bones wouldn't have any effect on this attack.
Broken body affected his stamina. That is all. There is no proof that healthy Ashura have more ap than whatever was shown. He will be just having fuel for another Ashura or more. That is all. You all making up things which is a basic trait of your fanbase.
No it wasnt, some Zoro fans like to believe he overpowered and speed blitzed super serious Kaido then scarred him, when it was actually a half assed nameless strike from him that got parried.
Well, I wouldn't really discredit Zoro for that. He himself was in poor condition and at the time it was incredibly impressive. It just looks worse now because Kaido's pulling out stuff he hasn't shown before. But for the level of fight that rooftop was, it was the best showing out of anyone until Luffy learned ACoC

Honestly it should've been obvious that anyone of the R5 at the time would've been a low diff for Kaido. Even when he unlocked ACoC Luffy didn't seem to push Kaido past mid diff until after he came back the second time with Yamato
Zoro never showed his full strength on the rooftop either. He was weaken when he used Dead Man Game. We tried to tell everybody that but some didn't want to believe it. They believe broken bones wouldn't have any effect on this attack.
Broken body affected his stamina. That is all. There is no proof that healthy Ashura have more ap than whatever was shown. He will be just having fuel for another Ashura or more. That is all. You all making up things which is a basic trait of your fanbase.
Well, I wouldn't really discredit Zoro for that. He himself was in poor condition and at the time it was incredibly impressive. It just looks worse now because Kaido's pulling out stuff he hasn't shown before. But for the level of fight that rooftop was, it was the best showing out of anyone until Luffy learned ACoC

Honestly it should've been obvious that anyone of the R5 at the time would've been a low diff for Kaido. Even when he unlocked ACoC Luffy didn't seem to push Kaido past mid diff until after he came back the second time with Yamato
So you’re saying Zoro is lowdiff material for Kaido :cheers:
Meh. Ashura didnt even make him kneel. Enough bro. Dont clown yourself. Zoro is nowhere near this level of fight even with coc.
Stop overrating the importance of knocking someone down. What is more impressive. Knock it over a 5 inch steel beam or cutting through a 5 inch steel beam?

Zoro ACoC damaged a character (King) who has greater durability/defense than Kaido and is harder to than Kaido. Yes, Zoro ACoC would cause Kaido even greater damage. That was the point to fighting and beating King.
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