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Vote Count

Odd - Mango > Ekko
Cal - Mango
Nick - Sallu > Ultra
Ekko - Cal > Kagura > Cal > Ultra > Ratchet > Broki > Ultra > Kagura > Broki > Cal > Adam > Kagura > Cal > Adam > Yo > Ultra
Mango - Cal > Ekko > Kagura > GOM

Ultra - Ekko > Yo Tan > Broki > Ultra
Sallu - Nick
Gram - Mango > * > GOM
Nana - Pero > Broki
Ratchet - Adam > Odd > Ekko > Ultra > Adam > Ultra > Yo > Ultra

GOM - Gram > Cal
Flower - Ekko > GOM > Adam > Kagura > Adam > Ultra > Yo > Ultra
Zolo - Lanji > Adam
Broki - Hayumi > Ultra
Lind - Cal

Kagura - Cal > Kagura > Cal
Arp - GOM > Cal > GOM
Light - Cal
Adam - GOM > Cal > Ultra > Yo
Juice - Yo Tan

Blue - Adam > Yo > Ultra
Pero - Adam > Ultra
Yo- Kagura > Unvote > Cal > Ultra
Worst- Kagura > Adam > Ultra

Cinera- Adam
Rej- Adam


Ultra - 10
Cal- 4
Yo - 2
Kagura/Mango/Ekko/Nick/Sallu/Broki - 1

Votes may not reflect their actual value.​

Last edited:
Eh, in the grand scheme of things that was a fairly off-handed casing. Part of what was driving my scum read was his analysis seemed to be very surface level in general.

Lind could be scum though. Have nothing to defend him with.
If I ain't feeling his presence, the guy isn't Town.


What could have been...
Eh, in the grand scheme of things that was a fairly off-handed casing. Part of what was driving my scum read was his analysis seemed to be very surface level in general.

Lind could be scum though. Have nothing to defend him with.
is ripped cal silenced btw
hes been liking posts but not replying
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