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The End and the Beginning
Also, such a shame that indies are doing all the legwork for town here.

Hope the rest of town step it up soon. Literally the ones friendly to the indies and the indies are the most useful so far.

I'm going on strike to demand better working conditions.
Also, such a shame that indies are doing all the legwork for town here.

Hope the rest of town step it up soon. Literally the ones friendly to the indies and the indies are the most useful so far.

I'm going on strike to demand better working conditions.
You call it doing all the legwork, I call it you being unable to shut up.
End of day actions

Blessed consecration was used on ???

Time bomb was used to undo
Containment was used to destroy this WU​

@Kagurashii / Tirion Fordring has been revived.

Returning @Kagurashii / Tirion Fordring back to the grave.

Jailed and Interrogated has been activated.

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