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Lead them to paradise.
New management was activated

Warchief's blessing was used on ???

First Mate’s Pocket Watch was activated

1- @Sallucion
2- @Juliet
3- @Kagurashii Tirion Fordring Killed D1
4- @Ultra
5- @MangoSenpai
6- @Ratchet
7- @Dr. Watson Replaced by @Don DaSlayer
8- @Robin
9- @ConquistadoR Mimiron Killed N1
10- @Peroroncino
11- @RippedCal Dranosh Saurfang Killed D2
12- @T-Pein™ Replaced by @Light D Lamperouge
13- @Cooler Replaced by @Kagurashii
14- @LANJI CUCKSMOKE Replaced by @SoulKiller
15- @Flowa
16- @TheAncientCenturion
17- @Grammaton
18- @Jew D. Boy
19- @oddoddfruit
20- @Underworld Broker
21- @God Of Mafia
22- @Blue
23- @Cinera Varok Saurfang killed N1
24- @Worst
25- @Ekkologix
26- @Hayumi Replaced @Rej
27- @Nick
28- @Adam 🍎
29- @Juice Replaced by @Reborn
30- @Yo Tan Wa Rhonin killed D2
31- @Nana
32- @Xlaw
33- @Arp Bladstrum
34- @Lindltaylor
35- @Zolo

The players that joined the Mimiron's Head event, please submit 4 rounds of RPS to expedite things for me ^^

@Underworld Broker


Custom title
okay got another message from the higher ups

yo tan actually scanned guilty last day even when vanilla apparently

so aside from him there r 3 guilty players on the wagon

soul is saying nick scans innocent

so those 3 guilty players are: ultra, blue and one of broki/pero

@Blue check with fuji if u scan guilty or inno pls

@Underworld Broker @Peroroncino one of u is basically scum. potentially 2 of u if ali or ultra scans innocent to cops.

i can see ultra having a godfather Kinda passive. eitherway just make it easy on us and raise ur hand scummy gummy
i just got that confirmation from fuji, it was only 3 guilty players ( the 4th one was me, i scan guilty as undead )
New management was activated

Warchief's blessing was used on ???

First Mate’s Pocket Watch was activated

1- @Sallucion
2- @Juliet
3- @Kagurashii Tirion Fordring Killed D1
4- @Ultra
5- @MangoSenpai
6- @Ratchet
7- @Dr. Watson Replaced by @Don DaSlayer
8- @Robin
9- @ConquistadoR Mimiron Killed N1
10- @Peroroncino
11- @RippedCal Dranosh Saurfang Killed D2
12- @T-Pein™ Replaced by @Light D Lamperouge
13- @Cooler Replaced by @Kagurashii
14- @LANJI CUCKSMOKE Replaced by @SoulKiller
15- @Flowa
16- @TheAncientCenturion
17- @Grammaton
18- @Jew D. Boy
19- @oddoddfruit
20- @Underworld Broker
21- @God Of Mafia
22- @Blue
23- @Cinera Varok Saurfang killed N1
24- @Worst
25- @Ekkologix
26- @Hayumi Replaced @Rej
27- @Nick
28- @Adam 🍎
29- @Juice Replaced by @Reborn
30- @Yo Tan Wa Rhonin killed D2
31- @Nana
32- @Xlaw
33- @Arp Bladstrum
34- @Lindltaylor
35- @Zolo

The players that joined the Mimiron's Head event, please submit 4 rounds of RPS to expedite things for me ^^

@Underworld Broker

Prepare to lose peeps. Because that item is mine.
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