I'm using stupid as a substitute for less savoury words. You, the town. Flower used a Legendary item yesterday to help town. Why isn't anyone repaying the favour? It's not acting the victim, you're abusing goodwill and using players to your own agenda and then not helping them in return. Really disappointed in you.
Mate, you making it more than what it really is.
I told you drop the threat and vote lind and I'll leave you alone, simple really. I am not using any player for my own agenda nor am I not willing to help people here. Not sure where you are getting this shit from, you clearly not in the right state of mind right now to have a civil discussion.
>puts alot of effort into helping town
>threat us to help scum win and throw all his effort in vain
>cries when he gets role blocked for it
>proceed to just insult post after post lol.