There are almost ten town left, between them they should have three legendary items yes.
I know you don't read but last day phase Gram said he'd help Flower out if she used a Legendary item to help town, she did. Turns out he didn't have any items, so it's yet more duplicity from the town actively screwing over a player who is helping them.
And then there is you. Almost get yourself killed yesterday because of your stupidity, and then today you see the word "Time" and you roll all over the place thinking you have some grand idea as to what happened. Exposing that you haven't even read the game writeups. They're all linked in the first page of the thread so there is really no excuse. You prevent me from assisting town because you're unable to think with a clear mind. So you waste an ability on me that hurts town twofold, and then you convince yourself you were clever to do so.
Thick. Stupid. Dumb.