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Hey guys something came up that I gotta care of , day phase will be delayed by 1 hour, should start around 6 pm est I hope you are fine with this

The Azure Dragonflight Mafia killed @RippedCal / Dranosh Saurfang

“The son is the father... May the spirits have mercy on those that stand in his way.”

You are Dranosh Saurfang!

[Passive - Young Idealist] Dranosh was very much like his father and uncle, a fierce warrior to the end. He was a strong believer in the ideals of honor espoused by his father. His vote will count for zero if on an innocent wagon.

[Passive - Avenge Thy Father] Like most sons, Dranosh has always looked up to his father. If his father, Varok, dies then Dranosh will become enraged, allowing him to perform double actions for the cycle.

[Passive - Up and Coming Star] Considered the youngest and brightest star among young orcish warriors, if Dranosh dies the other orcs in the game will all have their actions made unstoppable for the rest of the phase.

[Active - Mighty Cleave] With enough strength to cut down three frost vrykul in a single blow, Dranosh can cleave into another player, wounding them and preventing them from traveling for a cycle. [3-Shot]

[Active - Orcish Uppercut] Dranosh can uppercut another player right in the jaw with a powerful punch, rendering them incapable of voting for the duration of the cycle.

[Active - Rampage] Dranosh is seen as a wise and charismatic orc, but he’s still an orc. He can go on a rampage, destroying an item belonging to his target.


Wincon: Eliminate all threats to Town!
Mine cart was activated

Ko'rkron Warhounds have been used on ???

@oddoddfruit / Lady Liadrin has bled out and died
You are Lady Liadrin!

“The sin'dorei bring righteous fury upon our enemies.”

You are Lady Liadrin!

[Passive - Blood Knight Matriarch] The first of the Blood Knights, Liadrin cannot be debuffed.
---Elf Isolationist--- Though not disparaging of other races, Liadrin prioritized her own people's well-being, and considered it a positive thing for the elves to have distanced themselves from the outside world. If she targets a fellow elf with a positive action it will be upgraded.

[Passive - Martial Priestess] Once a high priestess of the Light, Liadrin reinvented herself as a warrior, and dedicated her life to exterminating the Scourge. She cannot target undead players with helpful actions.
---Zealous Tendencies--- Liadrin, has been called zealous, arrogant, and short-tempered by some, but she has always led her order with strength and conviction. She must talk with fanatical conviction in the thread and must adamantly call anyone who disagrees with her scum.

[Active - Embrace the Light] With her faith in the Light restored, Liadrin continued to train and teach new paladins to embrace the Light, rather than twisting it to serve their own needs. She can target a player to do one of the following each cycle:
- Upgrade their next action.
- Refill a random X-Shot ability.

[Active - Blessed Consecration] Consecrates the area around a player, healing them of any harmful effects they are suffering from and protecting them from the next harmful action targeting them.

[Active - Pain Transfer] Though primarily a healer, Liadrin was also versed in more dangerous priest abilities, such as the ability to transfer pain from herself to another. If Liadrin is suffering from a negative effect, she can pass it on to another player through immunities. [1-Shot]


Wincon: Eliminate all threats to Town!

stasis was activated

Your parents never were was used to remove @Adam 🍎 / Sylvanas Windrunner from the game

“Nothing lasts.”

You are Sylvanas Windrunner!

[Passive- Ranger General] Sylvanas is a born leader, and she knows to pick friend from foe. Whenever she is part of a lynch wagon she may learn of the number of guilty people that were in it.
---Undead Banshee--- Sylvanas's transformation into what she is now led to many people mistrusting her true motives. Thus she scans guilty to lie detects, she is however immune to Alignment and role cops.

[Passive - Banshee Queen] Benefit from the absolute loyalty of her forsaken, Sylvanas can always count on them to act as her shield. As such she will stop the first dodge the first harmful action targetting her each cycle, additionaly she will learn the role of whoever targetted her.

[Passive - Incorporeal Body] Sylvanas is an undead, as such her body doesnt observe the rules of normal men. She is immune to poison and bleeds. But cannot be targetted by healing spells.

[Passive- Keen eye] Sylvanas knows what separates treasure from trash, she will have a higher chance of finding higher rarity items in zones.

[Active - Black Arrow] Sylvanas may target a player and poison them, killing them a cycle later. If the same player gets hit by this ability it will turn the kill into a super kill.
---Vengeance Arrow--- If her sister dies Sylvanas may skip the waiting process and super a target of her choice.[1-Shot]

[Active - Multi shot] Sylvanas may use this ability to to destroy 3 incoming actions from a target.[3-Shot]

[Active - Summon Skeleton] Sylvanas may use this ability to add to heir power, she will gain +1 vote power while Skeleton is active. Lasts 2 cycles.[2-Shot]

[Active - Blinding Shot] Sylvanas may target a player and force them to fire their abilities at random for a phase.[1-Shot]


Wincon: Eliminate all threats to Town!

Time Lapse was used on ???
Beaked Dagger [Legendary] has killed @Reborn/ Mage-Lord Urom

''Unfortunate, but necessary."

You are Mage-Lord Urom!

[Passive - Mage Hunter] Due to his expertise at detecting the flow of the arcane, Urom has a list of all mages present in the game.
---Arcane Link--- Urom will learn of one player that was targeted by a mage each cycle.

[Passive - Kirin Tor Traitor] As a former Kirin Tor mage, Urom knows the strength and weaknesses of the organization. Therefore he will stop the first mage ability used on his team each cycle. He also cannot be refilled by outside forces.

[Passive - Arcane Affinity ] A deep understanding of the arcane gives Urom a 50% chance to reuse one of his abilities a second time during a cycle.
---Mana Refill--- If Urom successfully targets a mage with one of his abilities he will have one of his abilities refilled at random.

[Passive - Shimmer] With the ability to phase through reality, Urom is a hard man to get a hold off. He is immune to role blocks and role crushes.

[Active- Frostbomb] Urom may plant bombs in 3 selected post numbers. Any player who stumbles upon one will lose vote power for a phase, a second trigger will cause them to be role-blocked for phase, a third trigger will have them lose their active abilities for phase. (This doesn't have to be triggered during the same phase).
---Frost Nova--- Any player who reaches the third trigger will cause a zone wide freeze, causing players adjacent to him in the player list to lose half their active abilities for a phase.

[Active - Time Bomb] Urom uses his knowledge of space and time to target a write up and undo any action he chooses from it. [1-Shot]

[Active- Time Lapse] Urom can target a player and force them to join him for a time in a game of R/P/S. If he wins then only that player will be able to target him with actions for a cycle, if he loses Urom will learn who that player has visited during the phase. [2-Shot]

[Active - Empower] Urom may discharge this ability to refill all his abilities. [1-Shot] Locked.

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to the Azure Dragonflight Mafia!

Time Bomb was used to undo @Grammaton / High King Varian's revival

"A gladiator's life is simple: You win and live, or lose and die. A king's life is more complex. The only truth for a king is that there are no easy answers."

You are Varian Wrynn!

[Passive - High King] As the High King of the Alliance, Varian's vote counts for 2. He is also bulletproof and the first super-kill against him in the game will fail.
---Heart Full of Hatred--- For Varian, there is no making peace with the Horde. If Thrall and Varian are on the same wagon, Varian's vote will count for zero.

[Passive - Ghost Wolf] Varian was given the Taur-ahe moniker "Lo'Gosh" or "Ghost Wolf" for his skill at arms in the gladiatorial contest. He is immune to investigation abilities and conversions.
---Foggy Memories--- Many of Varian's memories were lost when he almost drowned along the shores of Durotar. He can't remember his own past, and as a side effect, cannot claim.

[Passive - Goldrinn’s Champion] With the blessing of Goldrinn’s spirit, Varian has shown to never tire in combat and has heightened senses. He is immune to role blocks and will learn the role name of the first player to target him with a harmful action each cycle.

[Passive- Heroic Sacrifice] Varian is a ruler with a fierce love for his people and would willingly give his life for them. If Varian dies at night, all other kills against alliance members will fail.

[Active - Strength for Two] Renowned for his brutal strength, speed, and lightning reflexes, fighting Varian is like fighting two men at once. He can role-block a player each phase.

[Active - Hunter’s Ambush] Varian can quickly take notice of an enemy's vulnerability and take advantage of it. He may lure a foe into an ambush, destroying any defensive passives they have for a cycle. [2-Shot]

[Active - Inspiring Speech] Varian is highly respected by those he leads, and when he calls them to action they listen. Varian can upgrade a player’s next action, but he has to encourage the player in the thread to do so. [2-Shot]

[Active - Gladiator] In his gladiator days, Varian had no match in the arena. He can challenge someone to a 1v1 in R/P/S, if he wins he will kill them, if he loses he’ll be role-blocked for the rest of the cycle. If three alliance members have died this will be upgraded into a super-kill. [3-Shot]
---Arena Champion---


Wincon: Eliminate all threats to Town!

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