you can’t say don’t read and just leave. you have to give us a “because”. lance said to wait for the images but still there is no “because”.

i want something like: “I advice you not to read the spoilers because 1044 is fire and it’s best to accumulate the hype for the first reading”
“don’t read spoilers because they aren’t enough to appreciate the chapter since images play a key role”
simply saying don’t read spoilers increases my hype and makes me want spoilers more
No I said Kid was going to fight again and you said he doesn’t do anything for the rest of the arc lmao

don’t chicken out of the bet
Would you like me to repost what you stated ? I have screen shots. Plus that's bs since he fought fodder afterwards so based on what you are trying to imply if he even fights fodder hs is doing something important?