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Have you read anything I've said? I was working towards the town wincon right until the end of time writeup. Come on mate, my full role flipped in the thread lol, you can read my wincon and see for yourself. "help town win the game"
Tbf I’m referring more to Blue. I don’t doubt you were just playing to the best of your circumstances, but I do think you misjudged the day before your conversion somewhat


@Flowa no one here at least end game spited you, you were also screaming I’m scum and spited us in Storm Peaks chat called us all a bunch of names and had a fit for no reason other than us believing Ratchet was scum (dense ignoring the obvious scum in the room) which turned out to be correct.

Just so you know my scumreads were all correct outside of Odd being a convert which I later redacted when he showed face and had just about a perfect game coming into this half way through with no real info.

All my targets were scum and I caught Sallucion my first day into the game. I correctly read both Ratchet as a non blue convert and instead his own being and read you as scum as well. You scream and scream and scream without any weight behind what you’re saying you continuously stated PoE had to be myself or SK but you simply failed to make any valid case against either one of us and instead began further distancing yourself with ratchet. You also got yourself killed killing zolo over someone else like myself or even SK for that matter as Zolo would’ve been easier to manipulate for vote power coming into this cycle you could’ve had blue and potentially zolo on your side for vote power against broki nbd I if you killed off SK cause Zolo only seemed to trust SK at the end.

This is two games in a row now where I had one wrong scumread and used my abilities on all scum except my one bad read so yeah I must be as dense as you claim.

You can only blame yourself for such a weak performance at the end.
All of the people calling me a snake, badmouthing me, saying I deserved to lose, seriously get out. I never harmed you more than I had to. I even found ways to win together. It was you who denied me anything.

And now rant is over.

I just hope you are aware of what you did to me here.
Basically I appeared in a chat with don and gom night 1. GoM was using an alias, but he’s messaged me off it before because he’s not very … anyway, don ciaimed he was interrogating both of us, but forgot to actually ask GoM any questions looooool

made shooting GoM the next day an even simpler decision


The End and the Beginning
Tbf I’m referring more to Blue. I don’t doubt you were just playing to the best of your circumstances, but I do think you misjudged the day before your conversion somewhat
I disagree. Because Flower had told me scum were holding her hostage, the moment after I asked her if she was actually converted because I started to suspect she was, her wincon being resolved was a priority. So I had to play aggressively to get those items. If she didn't win that night when I visited the Basin then I'd be bringing what I thought to the thread, but I didn't want to beforehand in case I was wrong because most players would latch on and screw her over anyway. Getting rolecrushed was the single worst thing town could do to me because it meant if end of time proccd through my death scum would always have reason to shoot me that night.

After I turned to Serial I had no choice in the matter. If I could have stayed as Noz I would have.

I know the next time I'm indie I'll get all the same suspicion again, but I hope at least for some I've established that I'll never fake claim Indie anything. It's just not worth it.


Nah, I was only an SK the day I got lynched. I'm not mad about that lynch, I actually conceded in PMs earlier in the day, but decided to just play it out. Like it's really hard to be working towards Town for almost the whole game and then at the last minute become a Serial when everyone knows you've become a Serial. I was mailing that whole last day in, just came up with lie after lie to see how ridiculous a fake claim I could come up with.

I'm not really mad at that. I'm peeved over the previous day phase, because I was still town then, and getting rolecrushed was dumb as hell. There were scum in the PoE and it gets used on someone who has contributed to that PoE? Just stupid. But whatever.
Like I said you were fine until you began making the threats you have to admit you put yourself in that position overall. If you didn’t do that SK would’ve never rolecrushed you two days in a row. you made an enemy of town then began removing townies next day haha

did you really think that would’ve played out well?

I can understand the frustrations for the switch on your end but for me personally I scumread you cause of the threats you began making and then your malding basically confirmed it.


Lead them to paradise.
I disagree. Because Flower had told me scum were holding her hostage, the moment after I asked her if she was actually converted because I started to suspect she was, her wincon being resolved was a priority. So I had to play aggressively to get those items. If she didn't win that night when I visited the Basin then I'd be bringing what I thought to the thread, but I didn't want to beforehand in case I was wrong because most players would latch on and screw her over anyway.
Me and Prof thought this was what was going on.
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