Who will defeat Kaido?

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But they renamed the fruit obviously because it had rubber powers so they had to know. The thing they wanted to cover up was its the Nika fruit.
True but maybe they didn't know that Nika had rubber powers like awakened Luffy is my point
To them it was just another fruit with rubber powers that MIGHT have been Nika's but it wasn't really confirmed up until now
so to sum up:
- oda stated that humans who eat human fruits become “more human”. this is why it doesn’t make sense to say “luffy stayed in his hybrid form for years”. He actually didn’t have a hybrid form, just like sengoku (who presumably is an awakened hito hito user).
- mythical zoan fruit apparently give both zoan powers and the ability to control a natural element, like kaido and marco with fire, sengoku with electricity.
- why the rubber powers (and the new capacity of transforming the ground into rubber)? i’d say: unclear. it’s probably because nika himself had rubber powers.
- awakening is the base for gear 5, and seems like luffy reached the full understanding of its fruit, just like doflamingo stated in dressrosa.
- joyboy was presumably the previous holder of the hito hito no mi model: nika. the rubber abilities brought joy because they are actually stupid, as Oda always stated. I like this parallelism between the story and the readers
``TheRe wiLl bE nO mOrE pOwEr-uPs fOr LUfFy``-Stfu morons, Luffy didnt mastered his nika form, there will be a lot of new moves in his next fights.
Kaido is his first victim, Nika will be used at around 10% full capabilities.
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