[FNZ] Role Madness Toonami Mafia I: Fullmetal Alchemist

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Alive Player list: 24

2: TheAncientCenturian-
3: Fujishiro-
4: Nana-
5: Mangosenpai-
7: ConquistadoR-
8: Sallah WG
9: Juice
10: Kagurashii-
11: Blue-
12: Rottkins-
13: Worst-

15: Pot Goblin

17: Lord Melkor-
18: MitchMatch-
19: Charlie-
20: Cooler-
21: Zolo-
22: Ripped Cal-

24: Dr_Proffessor-

26: Joygirl-
27: Rej-
28: Nibel
30: Soulkiller-

Dead Players-4/30

1: Flowa-Oliver Armstrong/Father Cornello/Greed Cult

6: Ekkologix-Father Cornello

14: Ratchet-Izumi

16: Lanji Cucksmoke-Fu

25: Grammation-Yoki

23: Peroroncino-Maes Hughes

2PRS in Izumi/Olivier, 4 town dead.

2 scum dead.

I guess things are fine Im just worried that town lost a lot of FP, Im hoping Roy remains strong and Ed does stuff.
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