Humans never learn, they keep being little hairless monkey creatures that yell around and fu.k each other up all day, with no real aim, no true goal.
Humans' only drive is the fear of death and fear of rejection by society.
Rejection by society is usually feared even more than death.

This is why people do all sorts of absolutely stupid things for the sole reason that it allows them to be part of some echo chamber group that keeps reaffirming their own bullshit, even if their actions actually are harmful, dangerous and bring death to everyone.
That’s how a dictator is born surrounded by the yes-mens tearing apart the morales and seeking abomination everywhere. What a fucked up world we live in and what incredible evolution. From monkies to back being bunch of monkies.
It's become very focused on race recently but America's history is almost entirely centered around racial issues. We had a Civil War that revolved around it. Then when slavery was abolished, the Jim Crow laws happened. That shit affected the next 70+ fucking years until segregation was made illegal.

Then over the next 20 years it went from that to the "war" on drugs in the 60s-80s and modern prison systen. Then the militarization of the police for the "war" on drugs in the 90s. Now it has slowly gravitated to police violence in the 2000s, but has always been a thing in the last 100 years.
Police violence isn’t as bad as the media Makes it out to be tbf
It's become very focused on race recently but America's history is almost entirely centered around racial issues. We had a Civil War that revolved around it. Then when slavery was abolished, the Jim Crow laws happened. That shit affected the next 70+ fucking years until segregation was made illegal.

Then over the next 20 years it went from that to the "war" on drugs in the 60s-80s and modern prison systen. Then the militarization of the police for the "war" on drugs in the 90s. Now it has slowly gravitated to police violence in the 2000s, but has always been a thing in the last 100 years.
Of course, but I'm talking from the point of view of a kid whose only knowledges of the life in america were from cartoons and sitcom lol
It's become very focused on race recently but America's history is almost entirely centered around racial issues. We had a Civil War that revolved around it. Then when slavery was abolished, the Jim Crow laws happened. That shit affected the next 70+ fucking years until segregation was made illegal.

Then over the next 20 years it went from that to the "war" on drugs in the 60s-80s and modern prison systen. Then the militarization of the police for the "war" on drugs in the 90s. Now it has slowly gravitated to police violence in the 2000s, but has always been a thing in the last 100 years.
We have to understand what the current coutries in the Americas are built on.
The very basis was essentially race A conquers race B and imports race C for slave labour.
In America, race ALWAYS WAS used as a social construct.
It's become very focused on race recently but America's history is almost entirely centered around racial issues. We had a Civil War that revolved around it. Then when slavery was abolished, the Jim Crow laws happened. That shit affected the next 70+ fucking years until segregation was made illegal.

Then over the next 20 years it went from that to the "war" on drugs in the 60s-80s and modern prison systen. Then the militarization of the police for the "war" on drugs in the 90s. Now it has slowly gravitated to police violence in the 2000s, but has always been a thing in the last 100 years.
Race and religion war will never end. It’s an eternal subject. A perfect way to manipulate people and rake in them juicy votes. Polticians are just business-mans in disguise.

When the US had a set of moral guidance which was for them the protestant christianity, doesn't matter if you believe it now or not but it was biding agent for most of its citizens, and where men were allowed to be men and women were allowed to be women and not shamed and even in some case prosecuted for it, in addition to finding honor and duty in fighting for their country, it was a great country.

However now it's coming down hill with its citizens constant arguing about irrelevant topics to even basterdizing their own language to suit certain spoiled people not mentioning instead of rewarding exelence now it became the losers who're praised to not hurt their feelings. Etc... there're many other issue left instead, which all contribute to the US current state where imo reached an unrevorcable stage of losing its grip on the world.

Now, is there any new hints for us the One Piece masses? :pepebusi:
That’s how a dictator is born surrounded by the yes-mens tearing apart the morales and seeking abomination everywhere. What a fucked up world we live in and what incredible evolution. From monkies to back being bunch of monkies.
humans are not better than animals. just look at them. violence and lies everywhere.