
World's Strongest Swordsman
Lmfaooo I'm dying @HA001 went full Banana Milk shill

Every post he's gonna tell you to lick windows, but if you can't find any, try quenching that thirst with some Banana Milk
There's a song for and advert in there

'When you're tired of giving those dirty windows a lick
Just buy a load of b-milk it will do the trick'

Bananaaaaaa miiiiilk


I will never forgive Oda
Ohhh this is good
Are you Taiwanese by any chance? 👀

:josad: I give up
I’m a goat milk enjoyer now
:stealthblack: Congrats Kiwi, you're no longer hiding it.
There's a song for and advert in there

'When you're tired of giving those dirty windows a lick
Just buy a load of b-milk it will do the trick'

Bananaaaaaa miiiiilk

Chrono's gonna be so confused when you drop that on him after a paragraph of shitting on Sanji